ausdk12 aeries parent portal

by Dr. Misael Graham 10 min read

How do I access the aeries Parent Portal?

The Aeries Parent Portal can be accessed using the following link or copy/pasting it to your search bar: For the 2020-2021 school year new Parent/Student Portal accounts will be created and distributed automatically through email by Aeries. Existing Portal accounts should be unaffected if the email in Aeries has not changed.

Who can access the AUSD Parent Portal?

Only parents or guardians of students enrolled in Albany High school & albany middle school will be allowed access to AUSD Parent Portal. AUSD reserves the right to deny or cease access to AUSD Parent Portal due to the abuse of the system, court orders, or any other legal proceedings that limit the availability of private educational data.

How are parent/student portal accounts distributed for the 2020-21 school year?

For the 2020-2021 school year new Parent/Student Portal accounts will be created and distributed automatically through email by Aeries. Existing Portal accounts should be unaffected if the email in Aeries has not changed.

What software does AUSD use for student information management?

Albany Unified School District (AUSD) uses Aeries by Eagle Software for student information management. Eagle Software has developed a parent portal tool for parents/guardians to view the records of their child via the internet. AUSD will provide parents/guardians of currently enrolled students the privilege of free access to AUSD Parent Portal.



The current AUSD District Calendar shows all of our start/end dates, holidays and teacher in-service days. Trying to plan vacations? The 2022-23 AUSD Calendar is available here. Note that beginning next year, we start earlier in August, finish earlier in June and have an entire week off for Thanksgiving.

Important College Information Dates

More information about these dates/events can be found in the College/Career Section of this website.
