austin isd portal parent teams

by Emiliano Bogisich I 5 min read

How do parents access student information in Austin ISD?

In Austin ISD, parents are able to access all their student's educational information in one place: the Parent Portal! The most frequently used applications by parents are: 1. Parent Self Serve This application allows parents to access their student's attendance and grade records.

What is the AISD portal and how does it work?

The AISD Portal allows families to view their student’s schedule, attendance, and grades. In addition, families can email teachers and set notification alerts if they want to receive emails when their student has been marked absent or has a missing assignment. If you do not have an AISD Portal account, download the instructions:

How do parents access their student's educational information?

In Austin ISD, parents are able to access all their student's educational information in one place: the Parent Portal! The most frequently used applications by parents are: 1. Parent Self Serve This application allows parents to access their student's attendance and grade records. Go to Parent Self Serve information > 2. Student Registration

What is the parent portal?

The Parent Portal serves as the primary resource for all of the services provided online to our parents. This site gives parents direct access into their child's classroom information, registration to your child's campus, district-wide information and links to other often used services. Let's Talk! 4000 S.

How to check student attendance in AISD?

How to enlarge text in teams?

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How to check student attendance in AISD?

1. From the AISD Parent Cloud homepage, click on My Student-Estudiante at the bottom of the screen then click the Grades, Assignments & Attendance (Parent Self-Serve)tile on the Cloud desktop. 2. You will automatically be directed to the Parent Self-Serve homepage.

How to enlarge text in teams?

TEAMS Tip: To enlarge the text size in TEAMS, press and hold the Ctrl key while pressing the plus sign (+). To reduce the text size in TEAMS, press and hold the Ctrl key while pressing the minus sign (-). This tip will work in any internet browser. TEAMS Parent Self-Serve.

How to check student attendance in AISD?

1. From the AISD Parent Cloud homepage, click on My Student-Estudiante at the bottom of the screen then click the Grades, Assignments & Attendance (Parent Self-Serve)tile on the Cloud desktop. 2. You will automatically be directed to the Parent Self-Serve homepage.

How to enlarge text in teams?

TEAMS Tip: To enlarge the text size in TEAMS, press and hold the Ctrl key while pressing the plus sign (+). To reduce the text size in TEAMS, press and hold the Ctrl key while pressing the minus sign (-). This tip will work in any internet browser. TEAMS Parent Self-Serve.
