autism parent portal

by Miss Myrtice Wilkinson 10 min read

ASD Parent Portal is dedicated to promoting solutions for the needs of individuals with autism and their families in Harford County, MD. A site for community members to come together and discuss any challenges they are facing. ASD Parent Portal features a unique way in communication with a discussion board.

Full Answer

How can I monitor my funding for autism?

This has allowed payments to occur in a more timely fashion. The “ My Family Services ” website allows families to monitor their funding, submit documents to the AFU and assign their autism funds to service providers. As a parent there are some things that you need to know.

Is there a resource portal for autism in Minnesota?

Autism Resource Portal update The Minnesota Autism Resource Portal is in the process of being improved to respond to stakeholder feedback and be more useful to families and individuals interested in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) services and resources in Minnesota. Autism Spectrum Disorder resources are also available on the , , , or .

What can I do to help my child with autism?

Find out how much funding is available depending on the age of your child. Hire professionals or sign-up for programs that will help your child's development. Some funding can also be used for travel to access autism services. Use some of your funding to purchase items that will help support your child's development goals.


Is autism a disability?

Autism is a neurological developmental disability with an estimated prevalence of one to two percent of the American and worldwide population. The diversity of the disability means that each person's individual experience of autism and needs for supports and services can vary widely.

What support is available in BC for students with ASD?

For questions regarding your child's autism funding, please contact Autism Funding 1 877 777-3530. For questions about available community resources and building a support team, please contact Autism Information Services BC 1 844 878-4700.

At what age does autism funding end in BC?

Parents and guardians of children with ASD may receive funding up to $6000 per year for autism intervention until the month of their child's 19th birthday.

What resources are available for autism?

Autism Speaks. ... 100 Days Kit, Autism Speaks. ... A Parent's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice and Autism. ... Autism Source, Autism Society of America (ASA) ... Autism NOW. ... Autism Wandering Awareness Alerts Response Education (AWAARE) ... Department of Education. ... Life Journey Through Autism Series, Organization for Autism Research (OAR)More items...•

Is autism a disability in BC?

When a youth with autism turns 18, they may be eligible to receive Person with Disabilities (PWD) benefits. Applicants do not have to have an intel- lectual disability to qualify for PWD benefits. This provides individuals with a monthly income as well as a range of health services and an annual low cost transit pass.

How much is autism funding in BC?

School districts and independent school authorities have access to additional funding for each child with certain diagnoses, including autism. For the 2019/2020 school year, this extra funding is $20,200. While these supplemental funds are not targeted for individual students, they are intended to support inclusion.

Can I get financial help for my autistic child?

DLA can provide financial help with the extra care and supervision that a child with autism needs, over and above other children of the same age. This means that proving your child needs more care and support than another child without autism is crucial.

What can autism funding be used for?

The funding can be used for behaviour consultants or analysts, speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists or physical therapists as well as for out-of-school support, life skills programs and behaviour interventionists.

How many kids in BC have autism?

It is four to five times more commonly diagnosed in boys than girls — affecting 1 in every 40 boys — and is the most common neurological disorder in children. Given the 1 in 66 prevalence rate, it is estimated that there are approximately 75,000 people affected by ASD in BC.

Is autism Genetic?

Genetic factors are estimated to contribute 40 to 80 percent of ASD risk. The risk from gene variants combined with environmental risk factors, such as parental age, birth complications, and others that have not been identified, determine an individual's risk of developing this complex condition.

Can a child get Social Security for autism?

Conditions like autism are recognized by the Social Security Administration (SSA) as potentially disabling and may be able to qualify you or your child for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits through one of both of the SSA's disability programs.

Can autism Be Cured?

No cure exists for autism spectrum disorder, and there is no one-size-fits-all treatment. The goal of treatment is to maximize your child's ability to function by reducing autism spectrum disorder symptoms and supporting development and learning.

Pick-Up and Drop-Off Info Sheet

If you have any questions about these documents or your upcoming appointment, please call the Intake Department at 215-220-2121.


After nine years, my son, Connor, finally got his most desired wish: a sibling. In this case, he got two- twin sisters. Olivia and Samantha were born healthy at... Read More

Parent Portal

Download the app for our parent portal to access your student’s grades, progress reports and other information. Click on one of the links below based on what device you have.


Autism Academy uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number.

Supply List

Select your child’s grade below and click on the link to download the student supply list. We kindly request that you bring your child’s supplies before their first day of attendance. These supply lists apply to all campuses!

The Good

Service providers have the right to be paid on time and the Service Provider Portal goes a long way to making that happen. Instead of submitting a paper invoice, they complete the online form and are paid almost immediately.

The Bad

A paper invoice for the family is not required. The service portal will not accept an excel invoice which most Behaviour Consultants (BC) have used for their invoicing in the past. It may be tempting for a minority of service providers to not provide a separate invoice for their clients, leaving them out of the loop.

The Ugly

In my experience most service providers are completely honest and ethical however as with any group of people there are always a few disreputable characters. This new system allows fraud to occur at a much faster pace with the families unaware of what is happening until it is too late.

What Can You Do?

As a parent, you must monitor “My Family Services” to be aware of all billing as well as funds remaining. It is imperative that you monitor this and contact the AFU the minute you realize that fraudulent billing is taking place. You also need to be aware that the service provider may cancel or amend their invoice after the fact.

How much funding

Find out how much funding is available depending on the age of your child.

Access support services or therapy

Hire professionals or sign-up for programs that will help your child's development. Some funding can also be used for travel to access autism services.

Buy equipment or supplies

Use some of your funding to purchase items that will help support your child's development goals.

Sign-up for training

Parents can use funding to pay for eligible autism-related training expenses.

In-Person School OR Online School

The are limited spots available in our In-Person School. Go the the Enrollment Tab and fill out an enrollment interest form if you are interested in the AZACS In-Person K-12 school. Our online school is currently full but we are accepting applicants for the waiting list.

COVID-19 Updates

We are working hard to continue to serve our students and families in a safe and healthy manner. We are following all the latest recommendations from the Arizona Department of Health Services and the CDC. Parents, staff members and community members can click the link above to see our latest memos and updates.


Arizona Autism Charter School (AZACS) is the first tuition-free, public charter school in Arizona focused on the educational needs of children with autism. In 2013, AZACS was unanimously approved by the Arizona State Board for Charter Schools (ASBCS) as a K-5 school in Metro Phoenix.
