banksia park high school parent portal

by Buck Koss 5 min read

What's new at Banksia Park International High School?

Find out more about school card, or scholarships, grants and other financial help. Banksia Park International High School is undergoing a $9 million facility upgrade. The upgrade will provide students with world-class facilities and help the school prepare for year 7 students to move into high school in 2022.

How do I get more information about the parent portal?

For more information about the Parent Portal, contact the Counseling Office at 209-6233, or the Technology and Information Services office at 209-6330.

How do I access the parent module for Genesis?

Click above to access the parent module. We are happy to announce the Parent Module for Genesis, the online student information system, is now available to all parents. This web-based system will enable you to access your student’s grades, attendance, and other important information from any computer with an Internet connection.


Location and catchment area

Preschool catchments and school zones are regularly reviewed and may change. Use of this tool is subject to our website's disclaimer.

Are you eligible for financial assistance?

School card can help with school related expenses, including enrolment fees.

Investment in our children centrepreschoolschoolschoolsite

Banksia Park International High School is undergoing a $9 million facility upgrade.

Feedback and complaints

If you have a complaint about a school or preschool, please refer to feedback and complaints for the steps you need to take.
