bartow high school parent portal

by Ryley Cassin 9 min read

Link to Parent Portal

Parent Portal is a service offered to parents and guardians for accessing certain student records. The service allows parents and guardians to access information about ALL of their students through one convenient website.

Accessing Parent Portal

If you have a registered Parent Portal account, visit and enter your username and password. Your username is the personal email address that you used when you registered your account.

Other Parent Resources

Find more information about how to enroll your child, school options, bus delays, and more by clicking the button below! Our district parent web page makes finding all the information you need easier with everything in one place.

Evaluaciones del Consorcio Smarter Balanced

Las evaluaciones adaptativas computarizadas de California de Desempeño Estudiantil y Progreso (CAASPP) están alineadas con los Estándares Estatales Básicos Comunes (CCSS).

Pruebas de Ciencias de California (CAST)

La nueva prueba computarizada CAST mide la adquisición de los estándares en ciencias de la próxima generación de California por parte de los estudiantes. Se administra en el quinto grado y octavo, y una vez en la escuela preparatoria. La nueva prueba CAST computarizada reemplaza los exámenes de normas de ciencia de California (CST).

Evaluaciones Alternas de California (CAA)

La prueba computarizada CAA de ELA y de matemáticas es administrada a los estudiantes con discapacidades cognitivas más significantes en tercer al octavo y décimo primer grado. Los elementos de prueba están alineados con CCSS y se basan en los conectores de contenido principal.

Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Assessments

The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) computer adaptive assessments are aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

California Science Tests (CAST)

The new, computer-based CAST measures student acquisition of the California Next Generation Science Standards. It is administered in grades five and eight, and once in high school. The new computer-based CAST replaces the California Standards Tests (CST) for Science.

California Alternate Assessments (CAA)

The computer-based CAA for ELA and CAA for mathematics is administered to students with the most significant cognitive disabilities in grades three through eight and grade eleven. Test items are aligned with the CCSS and are based on the Core Content Connectors.

Student Portal Login

This link to Student Portal will help you access your student records, grades, and other commonly used resources.

Password Reset

You must complete all of the steps within 20 minutes. If you need assistance, contact Help Desk at 519-8040.

Student Resources

Find more information about how to access classlink, our attendance policy, and more by clicking the button below!
