Existing student updates can be completed online through Bay Parent Portal. Please refer to the categories on the Parent Portal page and select the option that applies to you. If you need any further assistance, please contact your student’s school of enrollment or Student Services at (850) 767-4328.
Bay County Schools are governed by a five-member board, responsible for setting policies which are designed with the goal of delivering the best possible education to each child. The policies govern budgetary, facility and personnel resources, as well as the students, faculty and staff at each school.
For further information, refer to Bay District School Board Policy. Policy citations are cited in parenthesis following each requirement. In order to be eligible for kindergarten admission, a student must have attained the age of five (5) years on or before September 1 of the current school year (7.101).
Yearly student information updates are done in the Parent Portal. Please update contact information and phone numbers for students. If you need to make an address change, you must take your address proofs to the school and they will approve the address.
Click here to submit a technology support request or call 251-297-2048.
The parent sign in is: https://baldwinco.powerschool.com/ You will need to contact the school to get information on how to access your student’s information. The schools have a pre-built letter with the necessary information the parent needs.