bayswater south parent portal

by Prof. Josiane Emmerich IV 10 min read

Why choose Bayswater South Primary School?

– Bayswater South Primary School is one of the few truly bilingual primary schools in Victoria, with a proud history of 40 years of delivering a comprehensive curriculum through English and German. IB builds critical thinking skills, nurtures curiosity and improves students’ ability to solve complex problems.

How do I update student information in the parent portal?

Yearly student information updates are done in the Parent Portal. Please update contact information and phone numbers for students. If you need to make an address change, you must take your address proofs to the school and they will approve the address.

How often will the parent portal be available?

Once your account is set-up, it will be available every year with the username and password you created. Student Portal allows students in grades 6-12 view their grades/attendance. For more information please download the 2021 Parent Portal User Guide PDF File.

How do I login as a parent in the parent portal?

Parents who already have a Parent Portal username and password, can click above and choose Campus Parent to login with their personal username and password. If a parent does not yet have a Campus Parent user account, they should click on the First Time Users link below.


Contribution types

Items and activities that students use, or participate in, to access the Curriculum, including:

How to make payments

Parent contributions towards the requested payments is essential to maintain the quality of education that we provide at Bayswater South Primary School. Payment can be made electronically via SENTRAL. Alternatively, payment can be made via BPAY, Direst Debit and directly at the BSPS office for EFTPOS or cash.

Parent and Community Portals

In its commitment to improving educational performance and District communications, the South Country Central School District utilizes both the eSchool Parent Portal and Blackboard Connect-Ed Parent / Community Portals to enhance communication between school and home.

Community Portal

The eSchool Parent Portal allows parents to access their child’s academic progress and attendance in each of their classes. Parents may view schedules, progress reports, report cards, and attendance.

eSchool Mobile App

In our effort to maximize the use of technology to improve communication and make it easier for families to get information, the eSchool mobile app is available for download on both the Apple Store and Google Play Store. The eSchool mobile app gives you the same access to the parent portal, but through an app, which makes accessing your child's information easier from mobile devices.
