bce school parent portal

by Prof. Carroll Kub III 7 min read

How do I login to the BCE connect Parent Portal?

Log into the BCE Connect App using your email address as your username and enter your newly created password. Logging in will unlock all the features of BCE Connect. You can also access the Parent Portal from the Parent Portal link on the BCE Connect App. 5. Visit the Parent Portal

What is the BCE Connect app?

BCE Connect, our mobile app for all our BCE Schools, is a great way to participate in our community. BCE Connect gives parents, extended family, friends and the public easy access to school information, making it easier to keep track and stay in touch. BCE Connect has been designed to work on both Apple and Android devices.

How do I access the parent portal?

You can also access the Parent Portal from the Parent Portal link on the BCE Connect App. 5. Visit the Parent Portal TheParent Portaloffers a more feature rich experience for Parents. PageContentTwo


How do parents contribute to their child's education?

In primary schools, parents may be invited to take part in a range of classroom activities and excursions, as well as at events in support of the school.

What is Brisbane Catholic Education?

​Brisbane Catholic Education believes that education is a partnership between the school and the home. It is important that both work together and that there is consistency in approach and standards.
