bcps parent portal broward blackboard

by Prof. Brandi Dickens III 7 min read

What is the Broward County public schools Parent Resource Guide?

The Broward County Public Schools Parent Resource Guide provides information and resources designed to support the educational journey of students while offering avenues for BCPS parents and families to engage. See the 2021/22 Parent Resource Guide.

Does BCPS have focus and Schoology for parents?

BCPS School Zone Chart and Contact Information Last item for navigation Baltimore County Public Schools » Students & Parents Parent access to Focus and Schoology is now available. Parents: For instructions on how to create a parent account please see our Tech Support page.

When can I apply for school choice for Broward County public schools?

Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) is excited to announce the School Choice application window for the 2022/23 school year opens December 1, 2021. Explore all that BCPS has to offer. For information visit, browardschools.com/schoolchoice. New to BCPS? Stay Connected with BCPS!

Where can I find information about child care in Broward County?

Check out the Children’s Services Council of Broward County 2021/22 Family Resource Guide with Broward County Public Schools information, community resources, helpful websites and child care options, to help students and families. See the Children’s Services Council 2021/22 Family Resource Guide.


Parent University

With the increasing number of social media apps students use to communicate with their peers and the increasing popularity of social media challenges, the Parent Community Involvement Task Force and Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) present a new Parent University webinar, titled Dangers of Social Media, to make families aware of concerning trends and the potential consequences students can face through their misuse of social media..

Connection Instructions

If you’re still experiencing technical difficulties, you can email parentu8-13@browardschools.com for assistance.

Technical Support

Technical support questions and help will be answered by your child's school. Please contact the school through its main number and ask to speak to a MicroTech. They can assist you with devices, learning applications and other technical issues you may be experiencing.
