bcsc k12 in us parent portal

by Isabella Howe V 7 min read

How do I transfer my child to BCSC?

A parent/legal guardian whose residency is outside the Bartholomew Consolidated School district may apply for a transfer if they want their child to attend a BCSC school. A student must reapply for transfer enrollment prior to transitioning into middle and high school.

How do I enroll my child in the school corporation?

The parent with physical custody of the student or the student, if the student is at least eighteen (18) years of age, must notify the Superintendent of the school corporation in which the parents/student seek to have the student enrolled of their election to enroll the student in the Corporation.

Where can I find information about BCSC benefits?

Heather Downin is the BCSC benefits specialist. She can be contacted via email (downinh@bcsc.k12.in.us) or via phone 812-376-4203. Resources for your health benefits can be found in the links below: BCSC is self-insured, so we do not have an insurance company.

When should I submit my application for BCSC?

In order for BCSC to receive textbook reimbursement the applications must be in by October 30. All parents are billed for class fees such as activity fees, towel fees, lab fees, etc. Free/Reduced lunch applications may be submitted any time of the year to receive lunch assistance.


When will BCSC return to school in 2021?

Effective July 1, 2021 face coverings/masks will be optional on the BCSC campus. Students return to school on July 29. During the next several weeks, BCSC will continue to gather information, review protocols and adjust procedures for the safe return of students to school.

Does Brownsburg Community School offer free lunch?

The USDA has approved waivers that allow Brownsburg Community School Corporation to offer free meals – breakfast and lunch – to all students regardless of their current meal eligibility. This means that any BCSC student can receive school breakfast AND lunch free of charge. This benefit has been extended to include the ENTIRE 2021-2022 SCHOOL YEAR!

How to contact BCSC?

Call Solutions (812-377-5074 or 800-766-0068) and identify yourself as a BCSC employee seeking to set up an appointment and to obtain authorized sessions for a household member. Most of our families use the Columbus Solutions site at 601 Washington St., Suite 102.

What is 401(a) in BCSC?

The 401 (a) is the employer matching contribution portion of a tax-sheltered annuity plan. BCSC contributes to a participating employees' 401 (a) account ONLY if that employee contributes to a 403 (b) Annuity. The vendor for BCSC's 401 (a) plan is MetLife.

What does the number 812 375-8810 do?

A staff member will bring out a mask and escort the patient into the office.

Who is Heather Downin BCSC?

If you did not enroll in health coverage as a new employee, you are eligible to enroll each fall during the open enrollment period (or if you experience a HIPPA qualifying event). Heather Downin is the BCSC benefits specialist. She can be contacted via email (downinh@bcsc.k12.in.us) or via phone 812-376-4203.

How to contact Health Clinic in 2020?

ANNOUNCEMENT: See this link for information about the details of the new location for the clinic after July 1, 2020. Phone (812) 375-8810. Fax (812)-375-8879. NOTICE: HEALTH CLINIC VISITS UPDATE. The clinic has resumed scheduling appointments in the office, with some restrictions. Patients can either call (812)375-8810 or schedule appointments in ...

Can you withdraw from a 403b BCSC?

In order to receive an employer match in a 401 (a), employees must contribute to a 403 (b). BCSC's plan does NOT allow for loans or hardship withdrawals. Eligible BCSC employees may be enrolled in a Voluntary Employees' Beneficiary Association (VEBA) after accumulating a certain number of unused sick/personal days.

Can a parent see multiple students?

With a Single Sign On account a parent/guardian will be able to see information about multiple students using a single username and password. In order to use this feature, you must first create an account.


The i-CARE before and after school program welcomes all BCSC students. In accordance with BCSC Policy 2260, i-CARE does not discriminate on the basis of any Protected Class, including disability.

Enrollment Information

Please remember to enroll for each new school year. Your enrollment does not rollover to the next school year.

Break Care

The i-CARE Program provides care for students in grades PreK through 6th grade during Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer breaks (excluding major holidays). You must enroll online for break care separately from normal school year enrollment. i-CARE will open at 6:30 am and close at 6:00 pm on these days.

Delay and Closing Information

The following are i-CARE's policies regarding cancellations and delays.

1:1 Technology

Every student at LCSC receives their own technology device, allowing students to explore learning independence while collaborating with classmates and teachers.

Dual Language Immersion Programs

LCSC is proud to offer a Spanish DLI program that teaches students to think, read, write, and communicate in two languages. For native English speakers, DLI provides immersion into a new language, and for native Spanish speakers, it provides academic development in their first language.
