beachwood schools parent portal

by Dr. Matilde Kunze 3 min read

How do I apply for the Beachwood City School District Board?

The Beachwood City School District Board of Education shall seek qualified and interested candidates from the community through the news media, word of mouth, and contacts with appropriate organizations. All applicants are to submit a notice of their interest, in writing, to the Beachwood City School District Board of Education President.

What's new at Beachwood Elementary?

With a focus on inclusivity, Beachwood Elementary students were welcomed back with a new addition to the playground. In collaboration with the Autism teachers and Speech Pathologists, Principal Kim Muir and Supervisor Jim Klass constructed a communication board as a tool for non-verbal students to use while outdoors.

Is there a Beachwood Board of Education vacancy?

Stay tuned for more information about the reopening of school, thank you, and stay safe! The Beachwood Board of Education is seeking to fill a vacancy on its board due to the resignation of Josh Mintz effective January 2, 2022 as he occupies a new position on Beachwood’s City Council.

What is Beachwood school doing for School Violence Awareness Week?

Beachwood Elementary School will be celebrating School Violence Awareness Week from October 19th to October 23rd. Please click on the link to see the schedule. School will be closed for all students and staff on Monday, October 12, 2020. Beachwood Elementary School will be celebrating Week of Respect from October 5th to October 9th.



Report cards for all students are posted shortly following the conclusion of each grading period on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. While you may view your child (ren)'s grades on the Parent Portal mobile app, the official report card with teacher comments can only be viewed on the Infinite Campus desktop site.


Parents and student may check grades, assignments, attendance and more by downloading the Infinite Campus mobile app to your device. Follow these simple directions:

Can a child be a primary household in a district?

If your child (ren) spends time between two households and one is in district and one is not, then the in-district household will need to be the primary household. This does not apply to tuition students.

Does Beechwood Independent School District use Infinite Campus?

The Beechwood Independent School District continues to use online annual updates through Infinite Campus in order to ensure the accuracy of student and family information. Annual updates are needed for each student as there is information that requires mandatory updates each year, such as health information and the Acceptable Use Policy for technology. If you have already completed and submitted the Online Annual Update through the Campus Parent Portal, you don't need to go any further and we would like to thank you for completing it.

When is Beachwood Elementary registration 2021?

Click on the link for more details. Mar 23, 2021. 2021-22 Kindergarten Registration. Kindergarten registration for the 2021-2022 school year will open Monday, February 22nd.

When is Red Ribbon Week at Beachwood Elementary?

Beachwood Elementary is celebrating Red Ribbon Week from Monday, October 28th through Friday, November 1st. Oct 25, 2019. A Little Kindness Goes a Long Way. Fifth grade students at Beachwood Elementary spread the message of kindness by decorating the sidewalks leading up to the school.

Is Beachwood Elementary School closed for Columbus Day?

School Closed for Columbus Day. School will be closed for all students and staff on Monday, October 12, 2020. Oct 06, 2020. Week of Respect. Beachwood Elementary School will be celebrating Week of Respect from October 5th to October 9th. Please click on the link to see the schedule. Oct 02, 2020.
