bedford central school district parent portal

by Dr. Guiseppe Bartoletti 10 min read

Who are the parents and community organizations in Bedford?

Bedford Athletic Association Parent / Community Parents' Associations Bedford Youth and Family Services Hanscom School Liaison Bedford High School Alumni Bedford SEPAC DESE METCO, Inc. BPS Food Service with School Menus Search Davis Elementary Schools District High School John Glenn Middle School Lane Elementary About Davis Administration

What is the Bedford Central School District Launchpad?

The Bedford Central School District LaunchPad is a platform that allows students and staff to access online resources in one location. Students and Staff should enter their BCSD username and password to log in.

What is the BCSD portal?

BCSD provides students and parents access to information about attendance, achievement and academic progress through a portal. Parents and students must use the unique web address below. Online Registration is currently off.


BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS ---------------------------------------------------------

The Board of Education meets on Wednesday evenings, typically twice each month during the school year and more often in the month of March, when the budget is being development for the next school year . The dates of these meetings are noted on the District’s calendar on the website.

EMAIL AND PHONE - PARENT NOTIFICATIONS ---------------------------------------------

The Superintendent of Schools, Principals, and other Administrators will send school and District information via telephone, email and text to notify families about important school events, important timely information and District news. Please review these for information that you may need to know.

CIVILITY POLICY GUIDING PRINCIPLE --------------------------------------------------------

It is the intent of the Board of Education to establish a culture and practice of civility in all schools and school-related settings, communications, and operations. Informed debate, healthy dialogue, disagreements, and informed public opinion are to be expected and are accepted forms of interaction in a democratic society.


During the year it is necessary to delay, dismiss early or close school because of inclement weather or for other reasons. Listed below are the procedures that have been established for closing school, delaying the opening of school or dismissing school early.

SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES -------------------------------------------------------------

The District is responsible for providing special education services to children ages 3 through 21 through the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) and the Committee on Special Education (CSE).

SCHOOL BUS TRANSPORTATION ------------------------------------------------------------

Our district policy provides transportation for all resident pupils living more than one-half mile from their school. It is a privilege to ride the school bus. The Assistant Superintendent for Business, Ms. Cynthia Hawthorne, is in charge of the pupil transportation programs. For assistance call 241-6001, 6008 or 6174.

EQUAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY ---------------------------------------------------------

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972: The Bedford Central School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national origin in the employment and educational opportunities it offers, including vocational educational opportunities.
