beechwood park parent portal

by Annie Huel 4 min read

What information is available on the Beechwood School portal?

As of today, Beechwood Independent Schools displays the following data on the portal site: Attendance, Report Cards, Progress Reports, Contact Information, Special Education Forms, Health Information, Student To-Do List, Family Calendar, and Current Grading (Grades 4-12 only). Parents use their FirstName.LastName as their username.

Why does the Beechwood independent school district use Infinite Campus?

The Beechwood Independent School District continues to use online annual updates through Infinite Campus in order to ensure the accuracy of student and family information.

Why choose Beechwood Park?

Why Choose Beechwood Park? This seriously academic school has idyllic grounds, bags of opportunities, and a unique child-centred approach which puts kids in charge of their own learning journey. ‌d‌o‌n’‌t ‌j‌u‌s‌t ‌t‌a‌k‌e ‌O‌U‌R ‌w‌o‌r‌d....

Which Beechwood wellbeing dog is best for teachers?

Bruce, the Beechwood Wellbeing Dog, is a firm favourite with pupils and teachers alike. Always a calm presence, he can be found either in the Art Room, or visiting classrooms, bringing with him a sense of calm wherever he goes


What is the focus of Beechwood?

Whilst academic focus and pastoral care are at our core, at Beechwood, we place great emphasis on helping children find what makes them "roar" . There are almost limitless opportunities for children to hone a talent, develop a new skill and have lots of fun as they do so.

What is Beechwood known for?

Beechwood is known for its commitment to exceptional pastoral care; we nurture pupils, encouraging them to adopt a growth mindset that anything is possible.

What is the parent portal for Beechwood?

The parent portal website will allow parents and guardians to have “real-time” access to information related to your child (ren). With one unique login, you will be able to see information about all your children in one view. As of today, Beechwood Independent Schools displays the following data on the portal site: Attendance, Report Cards, Progress Reports, Contact Information, Special Education Forms, Health Information, Student To-Do List, Family Calendar, and Current Grading (Grades 4-12 only).

Why do we need annual updates for Beechwood?

Annual updates are needed for each student as there is information that requires mandatory updates each year, such as health information and the Acceptable Use Policy for technology. If you have already completed and submitted the Online Annual Update through the Campus Parent Portal, you don't need to go any further and we would like to thank you for completing it.

Can the public view the staff intranet?

This is a secure Staff Intranet content page and cannot be viewed by the public. Please contact your Technology Director to gain access to the Staff Intranet area in order to view this page.

Can you use your own username on the Portal?

Students can use the Portal with their own username (10 digit state ID) and password to access their own information, they do not see any siblings' information.

What is boarding house?

The boarding house is a “home from home” and most of our boarders live nearby but choose to board for the transformative experience it offers them as they mature.

Is Beechwood boarding school full time?

Beechwood is not a full boarding school, but instead offers flexible boarding up to four nights a week. By the time our Top Formers leave us, most will have had some boarding experience. We usually have around 60 boarders with us on any given night during the term, from Year 5 to Top Form.
