belmont high school parent portal

by Dr. Mariana Mosciski III 9 min read

What is the email address for Belmont High School?

EMAIL: ABN: 46 773 917 658 Belmont High School is accredited under the Department of Education and Training's CRICOS registration (CRICOS provider name and code: Department of Education and Training: 00861K).

What summer programs does Belmont public schools offer?

The Belmont Public Schools offer a summer enrichment program for preschoolers through grade six. Program topics include arts and crafts, theatre, computers, and sports. Courses are held at the Chenery Middle School and run for one to four weeks during July.

Is Belmont High School accredited in Victoria?

Belmont High School is accredited under the Department of Education and Training's CRICOS registration (CRICOS provider name and code: Department of Education and Training: 00861K). For further information refer to

How do I update student information in the parent portal?

Yearly student information updates are done in the Parent Portal. Please update contact information and phone numbers for students. If you need to make an address change, you must take your address proofs to the school and they will approve the address.


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Belmont Academy: A School of Distinction

Belmont Academy: School of Distinction Cognia recognizes 59 schools and 20 systems across the globe with award for excellence in education. Cognia™, the global school improvement organization that helps grow learners, teachers, and leaders, has launched an annual recognition program for Cognia accredited schools and districts.

Belmont Academy Special Governing Board Meeting

The meeting notice and details are provided by clicking on the title above.

Belmont Academy: A School of Distinction

Belmont Academy: School of Distinction Cognia recognizes 59 schools and 20 systems across the globe with award for excellence in education. Cognia™, the global school improvement organization that helps grow learners, teachers, and leaders, has launched an annual recognition program for Cognia accredited schools and districts.

Belmont Academy Special Governing Board Meeting

The meeting notice and details are provided by clicking on the title above.

Belmont Academy: A School of Distinction

Belmont Academy: School of Distinction Cognia recognizes 59 schools and 20 systems across the globe with award for excellence in education. Cognia™, the global school improvement organization that helps grow learners, teachers, and leaders, has launched an annual recognition program for Cognia accredited schools and districts.

Belmont Academy Special Governing Board Meeting

The meeting notice and details are provided by clicking on the title above.
