belper school parent portal

by Marge Cassin 9 min read

What's happening to Belper School's Parent Portal?

Belper School is moving to a new and much more capable students database system called Cloud School in September and access to the current Parent Portal via will end when the transition has been completed.

How do I contact belperschool?

Website: 01773 825281Email: Arriving at school on time This half term we have been focussing on punctuality and the importance of being in tutor time ready for

Can you send a stash from Belper School to the food bank?

It will be amazing if we can send a fabulous stash from Belper School to the food bank as we did last year. This evening is designed to provide you with an opportunity to find out all you need to know about the subjects available Post-16 at Belper School Sixth Form.


Christmas Food Bank Appeal 2021

Following our successful collection for the Belper Food Bank last year, we are once again appealing for your assistance to help others less fortunate than ourselves this Christmas.

Sixth Form Open Evening – Thursday 18 November 2021 – 5.30 to 7.30pm

This evening is designed to provide you with an opportunity to find out all you need to know about the subjects available Post-16 at Belper School Sixth Form. Subject leaders will be available to discuss the course content, methods of assessment and outline the necessary skills and qualities that will be developed throughout their course.
