berkley mistar parent portal

by Prof. Roderick Block 9 min read

What is Berkley School District's technology plan?

The Berkley School District Technology Plan supports the District’s mission to guide, encourage and support each and every learner by placing a strong emphasis on building technology infrastructure that will support the work of all students and staff, and by making a variety of technologies readily available to all. Many schools have also pursued initiatives to increase student and staff access to technology.

What is the Michigan Education Trust?

Michigan has two programs to assist families in this effort. Michigan Education Trust (MET) is a prepaid tuition program that allows parents, grandparents, or others to pre-purchase undergraduate tuition and mandatory fees.

What is MESP account?

MESP is designed to assist families with preparing for higher education expenses. Parents and others can open an account for a child/beneficiary that can grow through regular contributions and through investment growth. Various investment options are available.

Does Berkley School District have accident insurance?

The Berkley School District provides student accident insurance for all students in pre-school through grade twelve. This insurance is purchased from Student Assurance Services, In. and provides the following coverage to students (please refer to the attached Policy Schedule for exact coverage):

Support Resources

Online Help: Available by clicking on the Help link within the ParentConnection application (once logged in)

Parent Login Information

Parents can retrieve their MISTAR ParentConnection login information by clicking the reminder link (Reset Your Password) at the ParentConnection login site and entering the email address that we have on file for you.

Email Notification for ParentConnection

Sign up for email notifications of student school news, attendance, assignments and report cards 1) Log into ParentConnection and click on the Email Notification tab in the Welcome bar 2) Select which email notifications you would like to receive and click Submit.
