Blackbaud makes it easy for schools to put all the information families need in one convenient online location, with one log-in. Tools like News and Media connect families with the community Recent activity enables parents to have a single location for finding new school announcements, assignments, and posts.
For more information, please click on the Parents’ Organization link. The new Blackbaud system is currently under construction and you may see some “work in progress” if you navigate to other parts of the system. The primary use of the system for parents at this time is to complete their re-enrollment contracts.
Blackbaud Tuition Management offers two immediate payment options, to pay with checking, savings, debit, or credit including: Payments made by phone and web are posted the same day they are received. What credit cards does Blackbaud Tuition Management accept?
Purpose-built student management software solution to drive digital transformation and impact across your K-12 school. Flexible and scalable to work the way you want.
Gain efficiency and end data stress with the SIS to easily manage attendance, academics, schedules, grading, and health records.
Wouldn’t it be great if major gifts would just come in without any cultivation or effort, and you could just let the donors do all the work?