bluefit swimming parent portal

by Adelle Jenkins 10 min read

Why choose bluefit swimming for make up lessons?

Easy to access make up lessons: BlueFit Swimming is proud to offer make-up lessons via the parent portal.... BlueFit Swimming aims to ensure that your family develops a love of the water and Live to Swim. My son takes swimming lessons there, we have received fantastic service, my son is learning how to swim and loving it.

What is bluefit's cancellation policy?

CANCELLATION: Class cancellation must be made by completing a Cancellation Request form through the parent portal or at reception. The request must be made atleast two (2) weeks before your last lesson. MAKE-UP LESSONS: BlueFit is proud to offer make up lessons based on the below policy;

What are my login details for the Blue fit portal?

Your login details are below: The portal uses your email as your unique identifier. If the email address in our system is incorrect you may have issues getting access to the portal. For any issues with the portal please email

What is the student’s bluefit swimming level?

The student‘s BlueFit swimming level is Waterplay The student‘s BlueFit swimming level is Aquatot The student‘s BlueFit swimming level is Squid The student‘s BlueFit swimming level is Clownfish The student‘s BlueFit swimming level is Clownfish


What is bluefit perpetual class?

PERPETUAL LESSONS: BlueFit run perpetual class programs, which means we run lessons continuously, including school holidays. There is a small break during Christmas and New Year, which will be communicated to you.

Does Bluefit have make up lessons?

MAKE-UP LESSONS: BlueFit is proud to offer make up lessons based on the below policy; The parent/care giver or swimmer is responsible for marking their absence & booking a make up lesson. This can only be done via the parent portal. If you do not mark yourself absent you will not be able to book a make up.
