bob sikes parent portal

by Zelda Denesik 4 min read

Who are the staff representatives at Bob Sikes Elementary?

We have an active Student Council at Bob Sikes Elementary. Our Staff Representatives#N#are Ms. Elizabeth Irby and Ms. Kimberly Lebron. Be sure to visit our Student Council page for more details.

What happens if you misbehave on a school bus?

In the event of a second referral, parents will be contacted. Continued misbehavior may result in suspension of the privilege of riding the bus to school.

Can parents attend a conference with teachers?

Parents should not partake in any type of conference with teachers at this time . Students are not to leave the classroom with anyone until clearance is given through a signed office “checkout pass.”. Early check out is acceptable only for situations such as doctor/dental appointments and illness.

Link to Parent Portal

Parent Portal is a service offered to parents and guardians for accessing certain student records. The service allows parents and guardians to access information about ALL of their students through one convenient website.

Accessing Parent Portal

If you have a registered Parent Portal account, visit and enter your username and password. Your username is the personal email address that you used when you registered your account.

Other Parent Resources

Find more information about how to enroll your child, school options, bus delays, and more by clicking the button below! Our district parent web page makes finding all the information you need easier with everything in one place.
