bosque school parent portal

by Reynold Bergstrom 4 min read

What is Bosque School?

Founded in 1994, Bosque School is an independent Albuquerque school serving grades 6-12, and dedicated to challenging traditional education. At Bosque School, we design learning experiences that inspire students to explore challenging concepts and ideas and to be daring in their pursuit of deep understanding.

Why choose Bosque?

The Bosque community atmosphere challenges students to be impassioned and enthusiastic participants and leaders. Students are encouraged to step outside of their comfort zone, take risks and be a part of something new or different.

What is the phone number for Genesis Parent Portal?

Parent Portal Access Genesis Parent Portal Access Scroll Up Phone:P:973-593-3182Fax:F:Torey J. Sabatini School Glenwild Circle Madison, NJ 07940Fax:F:


Meet Your 2021-22 BPA Executive Officers

Purpose: Manages BPA meetings, parent engagement nights, works with staffulty to ensure quality collaboration and engagement between the parents within the community. Drives strategic plans and budget for the BPA throughout the year.

Volunteering at Bosque School

A complete education exists only when families come together to support teachers and staff by volunteering in some way. There are numerous opportunities to volunteer.

What time does Bosque School aftercare open?

Aftercare is $8.25 per hour and is open on all full school days until 6:00 pm.

Who is the lunch caterer at Bosque School?

Rhubarb & Elliott is proud to be Bosque School’s lunch caterer. Students, staffulty, parents, and guardians are welcome to enjoy our freshly made food! So please, sit back, relax and let us make lunch. For more information on the Bosque School lunch program, contact Rhubarb & Elliott.

How to sign up for Magnus Health?

To access your parent portal, go to the Bosque School website, click on “M yBosque Login,” enter the email and password you used to sign your enrollment contract. Next, click on the “Resources” tab and then “Magnus Health.” The form to sign up is called "Bus Services Sign Up."
