bowman dance parent portal

by Marianne Russel V 10 min read


In accordance with Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Toronto Public Health guidelines, to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, Pia Bouman School (PBS) will require all students, parents, volunteers, staff, and renters coming onsite to be fully vaccinated.


Pia Bouman School will observe all necessary Covid-19 sanitizing steps to ensure as safe as possible surrounding for our students, our staff and our school community.


The revised 2021-2022 Calendar is here! We hope that you will find the information informative and helpful.

HKT High's senior is chosen to be part of the SC Dept. of Education Profile of the SC Graduate video series

Congratulations to Darrius Jenkins, a senior at Hunter-Kinard-Tyler High for being chosen to be part of the Profile of the SC Graduate video series. #OneOCSD

HKT High's senior is chosen to be part of the SC Dept. of Education Profile of the SC Graduate video series

Congratulations to Darrius Jenkins, a senior at Hunter-Kinard-Tyler High for being chosen to be part of the Profile of the SC Graduate video series. #OneOCSD


S.M.A.R.T. is a partnership that puts much-needed remote access to medical care in the hands of each OCCSD family. Simply click the S.M.A.R.T. logo above, or click on the app, which appears on all district-issued devices, to be connected to a webpage of telehealth providers offering virtual health services to families.
