boy scouts parent portal

by Athena Hyatt DVM 8 min read

What is Scouts BSA?

Scouts BSA is a year-round program for boys and girls in fifth grade through high school that provides fun, adventure, learning, challenge, and responsibility to help them become the best version of themselves.

What is the mission of Boy Scouts of America?

Scout Mission: The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law.

Is the Boy Scouts of America open to girls?

For the first time in its 100+ year history, the iconic program of the Boy Scouts of America will be open to young women. Scouts BSA is a year-round program for boys and girls in fifth grade through high school that provides fun, adventure, learning, challenge, and responsibility to help them become the best version of themselves.

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How do I find my BSA number?

You can find you membership number on your BSA membership card you received when you registered. In the “Legacy Web Tools” section of (under “Menu”), you'll also find links to Internet Advancement, the National Safety Council Defensive Driving Course, and Service Hours Reporting.

Do Boy Scouts keep records?

Official records of the Boy Scouts of America must be retained for as long as they are in use or retention is necessary for historical reference or contractual or legal requirements.

How do I access Scoutbook?

scouting before go to and create an account. Then use the credentials (userID and password) you create there to login to If not: If you are not sure if that has happened, please contact your unit.

How do I find out when I joined the BSA?

The only way I know of to get the actual date is to contact your council registrar and ask if they can dig it up. You'd also need to check if they were a Lion. There should be a way to look up a scout's BSA ID and determine the date that it was issued.

How do I get old Boy Scout records?

To search for report by BSA Member ID, go to to My Dashboard -> Reports -> Cub Scout History Report or Scouts BSA History Report.

Is there a way to check if someone is an Eagle Scout?

The Eagle Scout Service gladly provide this verification in writing or over the phone for employers wanting to know if a person has indeed earned the highest youth award in the Boy Scout Division of the BSA. You may call 1-972-580-2000 and ask for the Eagle Scout Service; or you can write to the address listed above.

What is the Scoutbook website?

Track Scout Records Online. Scoutbook is the Boy Scouts of America's (BSA) free official tool for advancement record-keeping and reporting. Its primary purpose is to help Scouts, parents, and registered leaders track and report advancement records.

Can Scouts access Scoutbook?

A parent is the only one who can give a Scout access to their records online. The Scout needs to be registered in a unit. Make sure the parent is connected to the Scout account / record in the Scout's Connections page.

How do I add a parent Scoutbook?

Setting up Parents / Guardians To do so, go to your unit Roster in Scoutbook, click on the Scout and click Add Parent. If the parent is automatically added and connected to the Scout by Scoutbook, you will still need to invite the parent so they are notified by the system to login.

What percentage of Scouts get Eagle?

Eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Scouts BSA program of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Since its inception in 1911, only four percent of Scouts have earned this rank after a lengthy review process. The Eagle Scout rank has been earned by over 2.5 million youth.

How many Eagle Scouts are there 2021?

Eagle Scout Jobs You Might Like There are over 4,008 eagle scouts currently employed in the United States. 2.5% of all eagle scouts are women, while 97.5% are men. The average age of an employed eagle scout is 34 years old.

How do I print my Scouting certificates?

How to print your Youth Protection training certificateLog in to “Menu” at the top left.Click “My Dashboard.”Make sure you're under “My Training” and “YPT.”Next to “YPT Status,” look for a small blue printer icon. ... Your browser will open a PDF that you can print or save to your computer.

Why is Scoutbook not working?

Scoutbook will be moving to a new domain name - – scheduled for the evening (9-10pm CT) November 23, 2020. Links to the website will be automatically redirected to, so you can keep using to access Scoutbook.

How do I check my Scoutbook merit badges?

Log into Scoutbook, click on Administration > My Dashboard, and under My Merit Badge Counseling select Edit Merit Badges for Counselors. Then click on the badge you counsel, and if the Scout shows under Choose Scout you are connected. If not: Return to your Dashboard, then click on My Account => My Connections.

How do you email a Scoutbook?

Scoutbook can send email and text messages to adults and Scouts in your unit....Click the Spam Controls link on the lower right side of your inbox screen.When the Mail & Spam Controls box appears, click the Custom Sender list link.Choose the Allow email from option.Then click Add.Click Save.

How do I reset my Scoutbook password?

Go to your My Profile page and look for the link called Password. You cannot reset your password from the edit profile page. You can also reset your password from the login screen. Just click on the Forgot Password link.

New Parent

Thank you for your willingness to try out our great organization and all the fantastic benefits it has to offer your child as he grows. Scouting is about character development and having confidence to Be Prepared! The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is the largest youth organization in the U.S.


When you join the Boy Scouts of America, Scouting is like an extension of your family: It follows your values, it sees to the overall care and well-being of your child, and it’s always there for you. It’s not an either/or choice you have to make for your child.


Youth experience dramatic physical and emotional growth. Scouting offers them opportunities to channel much of that change into productive endeavors. Through service projects and Good Turns, Scouts can discover their place in the community. Many Scouting activities allow youth to associate with others from different backgrounds.


The Scouting programs are flexible and accommodate the need to balance the work and life requirements of a busy family. It’s easy to plan for meetings and activities, and if something unexpected comes up, just let your leader know—it’s expected in the lives we live today.


Your child can work on achievements at his or her own pace. For example, if your child is in a spring soccer league and has to miss several meetings and activities, he or she still can complete and sign off on Scout activities to work toward the next level.


The skills and values your child learns through Scouting can be applied in any non-Scouting activity he or she participates in. As your child builds character, this can be an especially valuable defense to the peer pressure all youth experience when growing up.


The world of Scouts BSA is completely different than that of Cub Scouts. Boys and girls now begin to take more responsibility to learn the leadership roles within the troop. Words like; Patrol Method and acronyms like; SPL, ASM and PLC are part of the vocabulary that is being used.
