boys and girls club lawrence ks parent portal

by Christy Gulgowski 8 min read

What is the Boys&Girls Club of Lawrence?

The mission of the Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.

How do I contact the boys and Girls Club?

Thank you for your commitment to the Boys and Girls Club! Questions or concerns regarding the new system can be emailed to

What is the Boys & Girls Club of America payment system?

This system was designed by Clubs, for Clubs, in partnership with Boys & Girls Clubs of America and will support our staff, families, and other stakeholders. Automated Payment System: Ability to set up auto-pay or pay to account; Notifications and reminders for upcoming payments.


A Place For Your Child to Learn & Grow

The Boys & Girls Clubs of South Central Kansas are a place for children in the community to thrive. Children engaged in our programs earn better grades, attend school at higher rates, have higher graduation rates, and learn important values and character-building skills.


Our program is one of the most cost-effective programs in the city, and each child is provided with a warm meal.

The Boys and Girls Club of Lawrence, Kansas has quietly tackled what some call an afterschool care crisis in its local area

Over the past 50 years, the organization -- whose mission is to enable young people to reach their potential as caring and productive citizens -- has grown from serving a handful of male students in 1974 to 1,500 members daily in 2019.

Partnering with elementary schools

Today, two-thirds of Lawrence’s elementary students receive quality childcare after school thanks to BGC of Lawrence.

Catering to teens

The BGC of Lawrence recently expanded its reach to middle- and high-school students with a new teen center. The Don and Beverly Gardner Center for Great Futures opened in August 2018, named after local philanthropists Don “Red Dog” Gardner and his wife Beverly.

Smart staffing

BGC of Lawrence has 30 full-time employees and 200 part-time employees and volunteers. It’s notable that the organization’s young members have similarly-aged role models to lead them through afterschool activities.

The ripple effect

Of course, the University isn’t the only entity to benefit from BGC of Lawrence’s work.

The bottom line

If other BGC chapters want to replicate BGC of Lawrence’s growth, it’s important to cultivate community partnerships with their local school districts and youth organizations, said Hill.
