bradford area school district parent portal

by Mr. Doris Hayes 3 min read

What is the BCSD portal?

BCSD provides students and parents access to information about attendance, achievement and academic progress through a portal. Parents and students must use the unique web address below. Online Registration is currently off.

What languages are spoken in Bradford Area School District?

Bradford Area Language View Original Spanish Cantonese French German Italian Tagalog Vietnamese Korean Russian Hindi Login Guest Bradford Area School District Twitter Feed {1} ##LOC[OK]## MENU Home District Board of Education Board of Education Meeting Schedule Agendas & Minutes C Superintendent Superintendent District Policies

What is classlink for parents and how does it work?

Submit an anonymous tip and school officials and law enforcement (as necessary) will immediately respond. ClassLink for Parents will provide a single point of access for many of the applications and sites that are most frequently used at DASD, such as Infinite Campus, Blackboard, PaySchools, Schoology, plus others.

Where is the parent/guardian office in Bethlehem Area School District (BASD)?

BASD Core Educational Apps Parent/Guardian Information NEW Parent/Guardian Information Existing Parent/Guardian Information Bethlehem Area School District Education Center 1516 Sycamore Street Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18017 Phone: 610-861-0500 Our Mission


What is BCSD portal?

BCSD provides students and parents access to information about attendance, achievement and academic progress through a portal. Parents and students must use the unique web address below.

Is online registration for guardians off?

Online Registration is currently off. For guardians who have not yet registered for a portal account, the district is automatically creating accounts and periodically emailing log on information. Please keep an eye out for information.

Can parents get paper copies of progress reports?

Parents and Guardians with portal accounts that wish to receive paper copies of Progress Reports and Report Cards can do so by changing their account settings when logged in to the Parent Portal.
