bragg elementary parent portal

by Lennie Feil 5 min read

Why Mary Bragg elementary school?

The Mary Bragg Elementary School Staff provides an exceptional standards-based instructional program that motivates students toward becoming independent critical thinkers and life-long learners. Our school fosters the importance of the school-home partnership that values commitment to learning.

What schools are in Fort Bragg school district?

Our Schools Redwood Elementary Dana Gray Elementary Fort Bragg Middle School Fort Bragg High School Alternative Education Transition Learning Center Coastal Adult School Employees Employee Resources

How do I contact Bragg elementary school?

Bragg Elementary 600 Redding, West Memphis, AR 72301Phone: (870) 735-4196 Fax: (870) 732-8647 Powered by Edlio CalendarStaff DirectoryHomeworkDirections


What is Mary Bragg Elementary School?

Mary Bragg Elementary School is proud of its diverse student population and long tradition of academic excellence. Hard working teachers, high expectations in the classroom and strong parent support at home have helped Bragg students achieve academically. We are pleased to have been named a STAR School by California Businesses for Education Excellence six years in a row! This award is given for demonstrating high student academic achievement, making significant progress toward closing the achievement gaps among all of our students, and increasing and sustaining grade level proficiency over five years. Congratulations Bragg School!

What is Mary Bragg's PTA?

Mary Bragg is the home to a very dedicated and supportive PTA. Last year, Bragg's PTA donated $37,000 in supplies and services to our school. We work collaboratively to host events such as Green Pancake Breakfast, Reading Picnic, Jog-a-Thon, International Night, Carnival, and family nights held throughout the year.

Welcome to Bragg Middle School

Congratulations to our 2022-2023 BMS Cheerleaders!! Alyssa Borden, Addie Brooks, Addison Campbell, Emma Cowgill, Kenley Crocker, Berkley Fuller, Allie Paige Helveston, Maddie Klaire Hitchler, Presley Lavies, Mirabelle Needham, Kinley Roberts, Alexicia Roper, Molly Thomas, and Natalie Thornton

February Meetings for the Jefferson County Board of Education

The Jefferson County Board of Education will meet several times during the month of February.

Updated COVID Isolation Guidelines for Students - January 6, 2022

New guidelines for when students may return to school following a positive COVID-19 diagnosis.

2022-2023 Pre-K Registration for JEFCOED schools

Pre-K applications are available from Tuesday, January 18, 2022 to Friday, March 4, 2022 for select sites. Click the link above to learn more.

Home of the Rockets

The mission of Bragg Middle School is to prepare a responsible, educated student to adapt and be successful in future endeavors. We will accomplish this by providing a creative, meaningful curriculum implemented by an innovative, competent staff in a safe, orderly environment which is conducive to learning.
