bray park holy spirit school parental portal

by Virgie Kshlerin 8 min read

Get the software your BYOD laptop needs

Follow the links below to get your software for your BYOD laptop sorted.

Change Password

To change your password for logging onto the school wireless and accessing your email and other Education QLD services, click the link below. Once you change your password, your BYOD laptop will ask for the new password to connect to the wireless.

What is Holy Spirit School?

Holy Spirit School, through its Christian values and Catholic tradition, provides a happy, caring, safe and supportive community in which children will grow to recognise and achieve their full potential.

When did Holy Spirit School start offering outside school hours?

Holy Spirit School introduced an Outside School Hours Care facility within the Parish / School Hall in 2005. The coordinator of this facility can be contacted directly on phone 3205 8040. Additional detail related to OSHC is located in a separate OSHC Parent Handbook.

What is parent information night?

Other parent Information nights are held to help inform parents about relevant topics. These can include presentations by staff and outside presenters on such topics as Reading, Anxiety and Cyber Safety.

What is the uniform policy in school?

The school uniform policy has been developed through a collaborative process involving the P & F Association and staff. Parents are asked to monitor their children’s observance of the school dress code. Inability to meet the code over short periods should be communicated to the class teacher. Students who continue to present for school in non-standard uniform items will be issued with a Uniform Infringement Notice and sanctions may apply.

What is student behavior support?

Effective learning and teaching is supported by a safe, positive, and productive learning environment, based on the principles of consistency, fairness, and engagement. This starts in the classroom, with each individual student. At Holy Spirit School, we believe that there are six conditions for quality learning outcomes:

What is pastoral care?

Pastoral Care is the term used to describe the school’s efforts to cater for the overall development and well-being of its students. A well-balanced and adjusted person is one who has successfully integrated the social, spiritual, academic and physical dimensions of life. The school shares a very important role by providing pastoral care for its students, and has in place a variety of initiatives to support this view.

Do you have to provide a copy of a parenting agreement to the principal?

In instances where there are breakdowns in families and parent relationships, you are asked to keep the Principal fully informed of any formal (court sanctioned) or informal parenting agreements that may be in place. In addition, you must provide a copy of such agreements to the Principal.
