brentwood unified parent portal

by Dr. Xavier Cummerata IV 6 min read

How do I contact the parent portal?

If there are any issues , concerns regarding accessing the Parent Portal or have misplaced your login information, please send an email to For questions regarding specific information about a student's grades or academic progress, please contact the student’s school directly.

What is eSchoolData Parent Portal?

Parent Portal Parent Portal The eSchoolData Parent Portal is a web- based program that allows parents to access information about their child’s academic progress. It allows parents to obtain information such as attendance, schedules, progress reports and report cards.

What is the purpose of the parent portal?

It allows parents to obtain information such as attendance, schedules, progress reports and report cards. It also provides a means for parents to communicate directly with their child’s teachers. Login credentials are automatically created and mailed to parents after child is registered.


Parent Involvement

Parents can play many roles in athletics: current or former athlete, coach, fan, motivator, role model or critic. A few studies have shown that family members may influence an athlete’s involvement and achievement in sport more than coaches. Parents also are the first and most critical agents at socializing sports.


Parents and athletes need to manage their SportsEngine accounts to ensure they get the most out of their Brentwood Blaze experience during each sporting season. With their accounts properly configured, athletes and their families will receive communications according to their preferences and be able to complete registrations more efficiently.


Keep connected to your team (s). Get schedules and team updates for every athlete in the house, plus a way to message other members on your team and a way to give coaches a heads up about practice. Enjoy unlimited access to scores & stats, photo/video sharing, and more.


In many instances, more than one parent or guardian needs to be in the loop with a child's sports life. Using the mobile app, you can add additional guardians to an account. Guardians can 1) View games and events 2) RSVP to games and events 3) Send and receive messages to coaches and team members 4) participate in team chat
