brentwood union school district parent portal

by Zachariah Dietrich 5 min read

Why Brentwood Union School District?

The Brentwood Union School District will provide an exemplary education to all children in a safe, student-centered environment designed to nurture the whole child and partner with families to prepare globally productive citizens.

How to contact Brentwood unified school district?

Brentwood, California 94513 (925) 513-6300 Phone| (925) 634-8583 Fax Non-Discrimination Statement The Brentwood Unified School District (BUSD) is committed to ensuring equal, fair, and meaningful access to employmentand education services.

What's new at Brentwood High School in 2022?

The 5K Competitive Run/1.5 K Fun Run-Walk will be held on Sunday, March 27, 2022 at Brentwood High School. BHS Student scientists showed off their progress on the scientific tool in development. P.S. I Love You Day Around the District Students and staff all over the district participating in making P.S. I Love You Day a success.

How do I contact the parent portal?

If there are any issues , concerns regarding accessing the Parent Portal or have misplaced your login information, please send an email to For questions regarding specific information about a student's grades or academic progress, please contact the student’s school directly.



The Brentwood School District, in partnership with our community, will provide an exceptional education, build character, and empower all students to reach their full potential as life-long learners in a diverse, global society.


Graduates of the the district have gone on to top universities such as Yale, Cornell, and MIT.


Many district programs and students have received local, state and national recognition for sports, science, arts, and more.
