brewer high school parent portal

by Aglae Pouros MD 9 min read

Morning Announcements 01-14-2022

Yearbooks are on sale now. Go to to order yours before time runs out!As we approach the end of the second quarter, winter sport athletes, make sure you're elig...

Explaining the New SOP Modification, 1.13.2022

1.13.2022 As I send this update, I also want to emphasize that our first priority in the Brewer School Department is to keep everyone healthy and at school. This means quarantinin...

Morning Announcements 01-13-2022

Attention all GSA members and people interested in joining GSA - our next meeting is tomorrow (Friday), after school, until 3:00 in room 104. See Mrs. Martin or Mrs. MacDonald if y...

Vaccine Clinic this Friday

Good morning.Brewer High will hold another Free Pfizer vaccine clinic for students this Friday, January 14, at the high school from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. Pfizer booster vaccines a...

Morning Announcements 01-12-2022

The end of semester 1 is quickly approaching. Get your work turned in now. Don't wait until it's too late. Go to under the academics tab and make your appointment for ...

Morning Announcements 01-11-2022

Seniors are reminded that fuel raffle money and tickets are due to Mr. Maxsimic by tomorrow, (Wednesday)January 12th.The end of semester 1 is quickly approaching. Get your work tur...

Morning Announcements 01-10-2022

Seniors are reminded that fuel raffle money and tickets are due to Mr. Maxsimic by January 12th.The end of semester 1 is quickly approaching. Get your work turned in now. Don't wai...
