brisbane parent portal

by Wiley Romaguera 9 min read

How do I Register my child in the parent portal?

With a valid email address complete registration form here - Parent Portal Registration 2. Contact School to obtain your child/s secure access code - Ph (02) 4341 1600 3. Log into Parent Portal and enter access code here - Parent Portal Login

How do I find out more about Brisbane Girls Grammar School?

The School website ( allows members of the public to learn about Brisbane Girls Grammar School, providing information about its history, teaching, learning and co-curricular programs. Parents can log-in to Parent Portal ( from the homepage of the website.

What information can a parent access on QParents?

Parents are able to log in to QParents via their computer or mobile device, to access a range of information about their child, including: attendance records.

Why choose Brisbane School District?

The Brisbane School District graduates students who are thoughtful, prepared, and engaged citizens. Our program emphasizes conceptual understanding, teaching the Common Core State Standards through year-long themes. With an emphasis on higher order thinking skills, we focus on understanding, evaluating, and creating.


What is Brisbane Catholic Education?

​Brisbane Catholic Education believes that education is a partnership between the school and the home. It is important that both work together and that there is consistency in approach and standards.

How do parents contribute to their child's education?

In primary schools, parents may be invited to take part in a range of classroom activities and excursions, as well as at events in support of the school.

Logging in to view Parent Portal

The School website ( allows members of the public to learn about Brisbane Girls Grammar School, providing information about its history, teaching, learning and co-curricular programs.

Enquiries and questions

For any enquiries relating to Parent Portal, or to reset your password, please contact IT Support.
