british school parent portal kl

by Prof. Vickie Grady 6 min read

What time is FS2 in KS1?

FS2, KS1 (Years 1-2) 7:30am – 1:30pm Sunday to Wednesday, 7:30am – 1:15pm on Thursday. KS2 (Years 3 – 6) 7:30am – 2:00pm Sunday to Wednesday, 7:30am – 1:15pm on Thursday. Years 7 – 13. 7:30am – 2:00pm Sunday to Thursday. If your child is late to school, they must sign in at Reception at the top of school.

What is BSM uniform?

BSM has a simple uniform , which changes slightly in style as pupils move through the school. Our uniform encourages a sense of belonging and pride in our students. All students from Foundation Stage to Year 11 wear school uniform. Sixth form students must follow the Sixth Form dress code.
