brookfield east parent portal

by Melyna Berge 7 min read

How does Brookfield East rank on Wisconsin's School report cards?

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction released school report cards this week, naming Brookfield East as a school that "Significantly Exceeds Expectations'' with a composite score of 90.6. East received the third highest score in the state for non-charter high schools.

How do I contact the parent portal?

If there are any issues , concerns regarding accessing the Parent Portal or have misplaced your login information, please send an email to For questions regarding specific information about a student's grades or academic progress, please contact the student’s school directly.

What is the purpose of the parent portal?

It allows parents to obtain information such as attendance, schedules, progress reports and report cards. It also provides a means for parents to communicate directly with their child’s teachers. Login credentials are automatically created and mailed to parents after child is registered.

What is eSchoolData Parent Portal?

Parent Portal Parent Portal The eSchoolData Parent Portal is a web- based program that allows parents to access information about their child’s academic progress. It allows parents to obtain information such as attendance, schedules, progress reports and report cards.


When is Brookfield East graduating 2021?

The Brookfield East Class of 2021's virtual graduation was held on June 11 at an outdoor, in-person ceremony. The ceremony was also available via a YouTube livestream. The ceremony can be viewed at this link.

Who is the Brookfield East coach?

Brookfield East Coach Mike Rose has been named the recipient of the the 2019-20 National Federation of State High School Association's (NFHS) National Girls Swimming Coach of the Year! This award follows Rose's recognition as NFHS's Coach of the Year for both Wisconsin and the Central Section (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin).

What division is Brookfield East?

On Saturday, June 26, the Brookfield East Boys Tennis Team finished off a perfect 21-0 season by sweeping Marquette (7-0) and bringing home the Division 1 gold from the WIAA State Championship in Eau Claire!

Who is the Brookfield East senior who won the 2021 National Merit Scholarship?

Brookfield East Senior Kevin Li has been named a recipient of a National Merit Scholarship for 2021! Kevin earned the National Merit Ascension Scholarship from Ascension Health Alliance and will be pursuing a future in Computer Science. Scholars were selected from students who advanced to the Finalist level in the National Merit Scholarship competition and met criteria of their scholarship sponsors. Li was one out of approximately 1,000 high school seniors selected from across the country to receive a National Merit scholarship from the more than 1.5 million applicants.
