brookline public schools parent portal

by Troy Daniel 3 min read

How do I report a violation of Brookline's website accessibility policy?

Report violations of this policy to the Superintendent's Office, at (617) 730-2401. The Public Schools of Brookline is committed to ensuring accessibility of its website for students, parents, and members of the community with disabilities.

What is the Aspen Parent Portal?

Aspen Parent Portal – The Public Schools of Brookline’s Parent Portal allows families to update student information, view and print Progress Reports and Report Cards and see student records. Aspen Parent Portal

How can PSB Parents Review Brookline’s special education program?

PSB parents/guardians of students in Special Education are invited to participate in a Zoom focus group and/or anonymous survey to conduct a review of Brookline’s special education program. Due to the intensely rising demands on our health office during this surge, school nurses will not be able to conduct contact tracing on all cases.

Why choose pre-kindergarten at Brookline?

Pre-Kindergarten – The mission of the Brookline Early Education Program is to provide an inclusive environment where all children from ages 3-5 can learn social competency, develop cognitive, motor and language skills and expand their understanding of themselves and the world in which they live. Brookline Early Education Program


Superintendent's Update: February 18, 2022

I hope you take some time to enjoy your February vacation, and I look forward to seeing all of you on the 28th feeling refreshed!


This graphic outlines the number of positive COVID-19 cases and cases in school while contagious in the PSB school community by week, grade level, and schools. Data will be updated on a weekly basis.

Baker Teacher awarded the Presidential Award in Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching

We are excited to share that Laura Richardson, a first-grade teacher at Baker School, has been recognized by President Joe Biden as one of two Massachusetts recipients for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.

School Committee Policies Under Review

The Brookline School Committee, through its Subcommittee on Policy Review, regularly reviews and, when necessary, revises or creates written policies governing the Public Schools of Brookline.

PSB Health Reminders: February 6, 2022

This week the Public Schools of Brookline initiated DESE's at-home weekly surveillance testing program with PSB staff. We will send test kits home for our students on Monday, February 7th, for use on Tuesday, February 8th.

IMPORTANT: Thursday, January 27 Deadline for At-Home COVID Testing Program

Through the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), PSB families and staff can now request to receive at-home rapid antigen COVID-19 tests for weekly testing.

Sunday, December 13: Getting through the pandemic winter with your family

A daunting challenge, yet it is the reality we face...

October 18th at 7:00 pm: An online forum with education journalist Emily Hanford

On Sunday, October 18th at 7:00 pm, award-winning education journalist Emily Hanford gave a live virtual presentation to the Brookline community about what she has learned in her extensive reporting on reading instruction. This presentation was followed by a Q&A session moderated by Brookline parent Miriam Fein.
