Click below to access BJP's Ideal Uniform website and purchase school uniforms and other clothing.
All BJP students are required to submit a physical from their doctor. Click below to access the form.
FastDirect Communications is used by BJP to record grades, school fees, and directory information. Contact Ms. Vincent for your family's login information to begin viewing your student's grades, submit fee payments, and update directory information.
The programs let high school students earn college credit -- free -- during the school day. The application deadline for both programs is March 22
Your 11th grade student has the opportunity to take either the ACT or the SAT one time at no cost, paid for by the state.
Find a list here of all the social media sites -- and keep up with the district's news, events, people, athletics and more!
App allows families to access drop-off and pick-up locations and times, as well as receive alerts about weather delays, school cancellations and any bus delays.
The programs let high school students earn college credit -- free -- during the school day. The application deadline for both programs is March 22
Your 11th grade student has the opportunity to take either the ACT or the SAT one time at no cost, paid for by the state.
Find a list here of all the social media sites -- and keep up with the district's news, events, people, athletics and more!