brooks summer programs parent portal

by Prof. Evert Gusikowski 3 min read

Why Brooks for summer camps?

Through its dedication to offering the highest-quality youth development programs and devoted staff, Brooks has achieved its place as the leader in summer programs. Registration for the 2021 season opens via the Brooks Summer Programs Parent Portal. Join us for guided walking tours of the Brooks School campus. See the campus before the camps start.

Why choose Brooks School?

For more than half a century, Brooks School has been a quintessential summer experience and tradition for generations of families. Through its dedication to offering the highest-quality youth development programs and devoted staff, Brooks has achieved its place as the leader in summer programs.

How do I register for the 2021 Summer programs?

Registration for the 2021 season opens via the Brooks Summer Programs Parent Portal. Join us for guided walking tours of the Brooks School campus. See the campus before the camps start.

Where can I watch the parent&family webinars?

To watch the most recent Parent & Family Return to Learn Webinar, please visit the UC San Diego Student Affairs' YouTube Playlist. The Triton Family Web Series will come back for Summer 2021 - in the meantime, all 11 sessions from the Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters are currently available on our brand new YouTube Channel.


English Courses

Expanding on the writing and reading fundamentals, Advanced Composition and Literary Analysis is designed for students entering 9th, 10th, or 11th grade. Emphasis is placed on reading, discussing, and writing about literature and poetry at a thematic level, with a focus on thesis development and the use of quotations as evidence.

Math Courses

This is a first year algebra course. Topics covered during the session include order of operations, evaluating expressions, solving equations, inequalities, polynomials, factoring, fractions, word problems, graphing, radicals, and quadratics.

Science Courses

This unique course allows curious and aspiring engineers to delve in to the fundamental concepts of programming and robotics. Students will design, build and program their robot for various games, experiments, and team challenges. If you have never worked with robotics, come see what the buzz is all about.

SSAT Courses

This course provides students the opportunity to improve their verbal, writing and reading comprehension abilities. Activities include direct instruction on reading comprehension approaches, essay construction and learning and reviewing vocabulary words that commonly appear on the SSAT.

James Allen

James first began working at Brooks School Summer Programs in 2006 and now leads the team of summer school teachers. James has been an English teacher for sixteen years and has been working with children since he was twelve. In high school and college, James was a camp counselor, swim teacher, and tennis instructor.

Brian Flanagan

Brian teaches mathematics at Billerica Memorial High School and has been an instructor at Brooks for the past eleven summer. Brian has a passion for robotics and has long served as the mentor for the FIRST robotics team. His teaching style is based on the belief that learning happens best through hands-on projects.

Bonnie Miller

Dr. Bonnie Miller is an Associate Professor of American Studies at University of Massachusetts Boston, and she has been teaching in the Brooks Summer School program for ten years. She is author of the book, From Liberation to Conquest: The Visual and Popular Cultures of the Spanish-American War of 1898, published in 2011.

Small Groups

Using the 270-acre Brooks School campus, trained group counselors lead children in small age-appropriate groups through an unparalleled activity schedule. Children are placed in small groups based on birth year, birth month, school, and friend request. These diverse groups encourage children to feel comfortable making new friends.


Our qualified and passionate activity team oversee and plan each activity to ensure the highest quality experience. Daily activities vary based on age and are always developmentally appropriate and captivating. Activity areas range from the traditional to the unique.

Swim Program

A cornerstone of the day camp is our unmatched swim program. Each child is assessed and receives individualized daily morning swim instruction led by a member of our American Red Cross Water Safety Instructors. Afternoons offer the opportunity to free-swim in our two large outdoor pools supervised by certified lifeguards.

Themed Weeks

Beyond our activities, each week is themed to bring together the counselors and children in unifying and fun-filled experiences. Themed weeks include dress-up days, all-camp events, and special activities. Every Friday ends with either an ice cream sundae party or hot dog cookout.

Coronavirus Information for the UC San Diego Community

Our leaders are working closely with federal and state officials to ensure your ongoing safety at the university. Stay up to date with the latest developments.

Triton Family Web Series

The Triton Family Web Series will come back for Summer 2021 - in the meantime, all 11 sessions from the Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters are currently available on our brand new YouTube Channel. Watch all the recorded sessions on the playlist link below and make sure to like and subscribe to our YouTube Channel!

When Parents Are Informed, Students Benefit

Whether you are a family member living locally or abroad and whether your student is in their first or last quarter at UC San Diego, our office helps you navigate campus resources to support your student.

Triton Parent & Family Ambassador

Parents and families play an important role in their student’s educational journey. One student’s experience at UC San Diego will differ from other students, which means the ways in which that student is supported will differ from how other students are supported by their family.

Additional Resources

Get informed, including learning about health requirements for incoming students.

Parent and Family Top Questions

Got questions? Use this resource to find answers to all your frequently asked questions.
