brownsburg parent portal

by Prof. Lessie Pfeffer 4 min read

Is bullying prohibited at Brownsburg Community School Corporation?

Bullying is prohibited by Brownsburg Community School Corporation. Your school-age children may qualify for certain rights and protections under the federal McKinney-Vento Act. Create a Parent account that allows you to view your student's courses and assignments.

Who is the principal of Brownsburg High School?

Dr. Bret Daghe, Principal 317-852-2258 Quick Links BHS School Profile Bell Schedules BHS TV News

What are the schools in Brownsburg PA?

Brownsburg High School Harris Academy Brown Elementary Cardinal Elementary Delaware Trail Elementary Eagle Elementary Lincoln Elementary Reagan Elementary White Lick Elementary Early Childhood Center East Middle School West Middle School The Arts Home West Middle School West Middle School Calendar Calendar Employment Recruitment Employment

Where is PowerSchool located in Brownsburg?

310 Stadium Drive, Brownsburg, IN 46112 View Map p:(317) 852-5726 f:317-852-1015 Contact Us| PowerSchool Parent Portal| p:(317) 852-5726


When will BCSC return to school in 2021?

Effective July 1, 2021 face coverings/masks will be optional on the BCSC campus. Students return to school on July 29. During the next several weeks, BCSC will continue to gather information, review protocols and adjust procedures for the safe return of students to school.

Does Brownsburg Community School offer free lunch?

The USDA has approved waivers that allow Brownsburg Community School Corporation to offer free meals – breakfast and lunch – to all students regardless of their current meal eligibility. This means that any BCSC student can receive school breakfast AND lunch free of charge. This benefit has been extended to include the ENTIRE 2021-2022 SCHOOL YEAR!
