brrandon parent portal

by Michael Gerlach 9 min read

What is ParentConnect?

ParentConnect is a web-based application that allows you to view information for your child's current school year from any Internet-capable device. Using ParentConnect, you may view attendance, report card grades, and other school information.

When does Brandon schools preschool playgroup start?

Brandon Schools Preschool Playgroup starts Tuesday, September 28th for Birth-5 year olds. It takes place on Tuesday mornings from 10:00-11:15. Call 248-627-1855 or email This email address is being protected from spambots.

Who is the superintendent of strategic planning for Bridgewater-Raritan schools?

Meet the Superintendent Mr. Robert Beers  Strategic PlanWe will teach them One and All... So one day They will take the lead Board of Education BR Cares Calendar District Goals Strategic Planning Superintendent News & Events Social Media Central Office Directory Contact Us Our Schools Recognition and AwardsBridgewater-Raritan Students Succeed


Latest News

Due to inclement weather and unsafe road conditions, Brandon Schools will be closed tomorrow, February 18. The Superintendent Search Stakeholder Meeting that was scheduled for Friday is cancelled. We encourage everyone to fill out the...

Spotlight on Brandon

Congratulations to Nolan Tews, Tricia Pierce, and Brooke Kilyk for earning All-State honors in track and field. Nolan placed 7th in the long jump, Tricia placed 5th in the pole...

By The Numbers

BHS freshman Taylor Whitkopf's new Brandon pool record in the 50 meter freestyle.

Did You Know?

Music is an integral part of student life at Brandon. With a variety of bands and choirs from the elementary schools to the high school, we have something for any musical interest.


The teachers and coaches during my time at BHS constantly challenged me to be a...
