bryan city schools parent portal

by Ms. Madie Connelly DDS 5 min read

How does Bryan County School District use MySchoolbucks?

Bryan County School District Food Service utilizes the MySchoolbucks Point of Sale computerized lunch system. Through MySchoolbucks, the website provides parents the ability to view their child (ren)’s account balance online from the privacy of their own homes and to place online payments in their child (ren)’s lunch account. By having money in each child’s account prior to entering the cafeteria, we find the lunch lines move along much faster so the child has more time to eat and be with friends. With this new service, parents also do not have to worry about sending cash or checks to school with their children. Parents will have the ability to print out a copy of their child’s eating history report. This history will show you all dates and times that your child has purchased a breakfast and or lunch within the past thirty days.

Does Bryan County School System have a password recovery system?

Bryan County School System is proud to announce the latest update to the PowerSchool Student Information System now offers a single sign-on for parents/guardians with multiple students, plus automated password recovery for parents. Each parent/guardian can log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal with one account and see any and all students for whom they have legal and parental rights.
