bspa parent portal

by Giuseppe Jacobson 3 min read

What is the dress code at BSPA?

BSPA requirement for uniform every week is a BSPA top/t-shirt/polo shirt and dance shoes. Girls and boys should wear split sole black jazz shoes. Juniors are not required to wear dance shoes but should wear suitable shoes and a bspa t-shirt. Powered by:

Why choose the BSPA?

Our unique environment nurtures close friendships, self-confidence, determination and an array of transferable skills that help students succeed not only on stage, but in their day to day lives. Success has many faces at the BSPA.

What do I need to bring to BSPA?

WELCOME TO BSPA! Please remember to sign our Privacy Policy and Fee agreement which can be found by clicking on the Waivers icon above. BSPA requirement for uniform every week is a BSPA top/t-shirt/polo shirt and dance shoes. Girls and boys should wear split sole black jazz shoes.



For all queries to do with BSPA - For any problems with your online system or payment - Please remember to sign our Privacy Policy and Fee agreement which can be found by clicking on the Waivers icon above.


BSPA requirement for uniform every week is a BSPA top/t-shirt/polo shirt and dance shoes. Girls and boys should wear split sole black jazz shoes. Juniors are not required to wear dance shoes but should wear suitable shoes and a bspa t-shirt. All uniform and dance footwear is available on

What is the parent portal in Buffalo?

The goal of the Parent Portal is to promote educational excellence and to enhance communications with parents. The Parent Portal allows parents to view their child’s school records anywhere, any time. In response to the ability to access the Parent Portal, users assume certain responsibilities and agree to abide by the rules and regulations listed below, including the use of technology in an ethical manner and under applicable legal provisions.

What is the purpose of the Parent Portal?

The goal of the Parent Portal is to promote educational excellence and to enhance communications with parents. The Parent Portal allows parents to view their child’s school records anywhere, any time.

What is a Buffalo Public School System user?

User – A Parent or Guardian who uses a Buffalo Public School System Parent Portal and/or electronically accesses, views, processes, stores, or transmits Buffalo Public School System information.

Can you use the Parent Portal for illegal activities?

Users must not use the Parent Portal for any illegal activity, including violation of data privacy laws. Users will use copyrighted materials in accordance with the “fair use” doctrine (Title 17 USC § 107) and will not copy, distribute, or transmit a third party’s information in violation of copyright laws.

Who must notify the school of a security problem?

Users who identify a security problem with the Parent Portal must notify the school immediately, without demonstrating the problem to anyone else.

Does Buffalo Public School have a home computer?

The Buffalo Public Schools does not provide technical support for your home/work computer system. Sanction s. A violation of Buffalo Public School Parent Portal policy may lead to corrective action pursuant to the provisions of applicable law.

Can you conceal your identity in Buffalo Public Schools?

Users must not conceal their identity when using the Buffalo Public Schools System, except when the option of anonymous access is explicitly authorized.

How to contact Speechaud Board?

Services are available through our online portal and you may contact staff by sending an email to Telephone 971-673-0220. It is declared to be a policy of this state that it is necessary to provide regulatory authority over persons offering speech-language pathology and audiology services to the public in order to: ...

Why is it necessary to provide regulatory authority over persons offering speech-language pathology and audiology services to the public?

It is declared to be a policy of this state that it is necessary to provide regulatory authority over persons offering speech-language pathology and audiology services to the public in order to: (1) Safeguard the public health, safety and welfare; (2) Protect the public from being misled by incompetent, unscrupulous and unauthorized persons;

How long does it take to change supervisor on SLPA?

Any SLPA or C-SLP change in supervisor within 30 days. (OAR 335-005)

What is Parent Portal?

Parent Portal not only monitors your student's attendance (at the elementary level) and academic progress through the internet, it will also be the site where you locate documents, register students in school, and update demographic information. Once your account is set-up, it will be available every year with the username and password you created. Student Portal allows students in grades 6-12 view their grades/attendance.

Where can I find my fee balance in Parent Portal?

You can view your fees and even print a statement by selecting Balance from the left navigation window. By selecting View Fee Statement, it will show a printer friendly document with all fees listed. Unfortunately, fees are not displayed on the PowerSchool Parent Portal App.

How do I create a Parent Portal account?

After new students have gone through residency verification, parent will go to their oldest student's school to register. They will be provided with a letter to create an account for their student.

How long does it take to get a return email from BSSD?

Email BSSD SCHOOL PARENT with your current student information and we will link your new student to your previous account. Please allow 48 hours (M-F) for a return email.

Is student portal the same as 365?

Student permissions are no longer required through Student Portal. Your student's portal account username will now be the same as their 365 log on name without the extension So, for John Doe, the username would be j.doe. The password is their lunch number. If you want to see what your student's 365 log on is, you can log into Parent Portal and go to the Balance screen and it displays under locker information.

Is there a browser I should use to fill out Forms for Enrollment Express?

Chrome and Firefox are the recommended browsers. Internet Explorer and Safari will not work.


Please remember to sign our Privacy Policy and Fee agreement which can be found by clicking on the Waivers icon above.


All students are required to wear BSPA uniform in the form of a top - t-shirt/vest top/polo shirt and black leggings- Dance shoes for ages 6-18 years are Black flex jazz shoes (girls) / Black jazz shoes for boys. Everything is available at Please order BSPA uniform early to ensure you have it for class!


To keep up with news and to see photos and videos taken in class, please join the Parents Facebook group.
