bths east parent portal

by Mac Heidenreich 10 min read

What is the new parent/student portal?

Effective with the 2009-2010 school year, District 201 has a new student management system. This system contains a newParent/Student Portal. The new portal will allow you to view various aspects of your student's records, including grades and attendance information.

What is the parent/student portal in District 201?

District 201 uses a student management system which contains a Parent/Student Portal. The portal allows you to view various aspects of your student's records, including grades and attendance information.

How do I transfer from another school to Belleville East?

For all new students transferring to Belleville East, please fill out the Belleville East Student Enrollment form and the Authorization to Release School Records and bring it with you to registration. Read more...

Why choose BTHS?

BTHS is proud to offer over 40 co-curricular activities, which afford our students an opportunity to engage with the Brick Township community. As a member of the Shore Conference, we offer 28 Varsity athletic programs, with a variety of sports for both female and male... Tradition and Pride since 1958.


Guests for BTHS East Events

A student requesting to bring a friend that is not a BTHS East student must have the Guest Form completed before a ticket can be release. See our Guest Form for details.

General Use Forms

Occasionally military and college recruiters are allowed access to certain student information. If you wish to have your child's information withheld, please complete the Military Access Form and return to the Principal's Office.

Drugs & Alcohol Resources and Treatment Information

Below are links regarding information on drugs and alcohol. There are checklists, tips, what to look for, and information on the drug itself. We have also provided the hotline numbers to contact if your child is involved with any type of substance abuse.

DISCOVER Brick Township High School

We offer a comprehensive program of studies, including 23 Advanced Placement courses, STEM Academy, and OCC...


Our lessons integrate listening, doing, thinking and speaking to deepen the learning for every student. Our teachers bring our curriculum to life, connecting numerous academic disciplines.

Parent Portal to the Online Grade System

District 201 uses a student management system which contains a Parent/Student Portal. The portal allows you to view various aspects of your student’s records, including grades and attendance information. In addition, all student members of a family will be visible through a single login account.

Guests for Belleville West High School Events

A student requesting to bring a friend that is not a student of Belleville West High School, must have the Guest Form completed before a ticket can be released. Your student may pick up the Guest Form in his/her Assistant Principal’s Office.

Student Information Access

Occasionally, military and college recruiters are allowed access to certain student information. If you wish to have your child’s information withheld, please complete the Access to Student Information Form ( PDF / TXT) and return it to the Principal’s Office.

Drug & Alcohol Resources and Treatment Information

Below are links regarding information on drugs and alcohol. There are checklists, tips, what to look for, and information on the drug itself. We have also provided the hotline numbers to contact if your child is involved with any type of substance abuse.
