bulloch county school system parent portal

by Dr. Dusty Altenwerth 6 min read

What federal programs are available in Bulloch County Schools?

Federal Programs Federal Programs Title I & Bulloch County Schools Title I & Bulloch County Schools Parent & Family Engagement Parent & Family Engagement Parents' Right to Know Parent and Family Engagement Plan Annual Title I Meeting & Parent Survey

What is Bulloch County Schools'return-to-school plan for 2021-2022?

This is Bulloch County Schools’ Return-to-School Plan for 2021-2022 in regards to the mitigation of any infectious illness. Please review the plan's information. It is updated regularly as guidance changes. Also use our Daily Health Guide for Employees & Students to know when to isolate or quarantine.

How do I contact Bulloch County Schools Nutrition Office?

If you have any questions please contact the School Nutrition Office at 912-212-8620. Infectious Illness Mitigation This is Bulloch County Schools’ Return-to-School Plan for 2021-2022 in regards to the mitigation of any infectious illness. Please review the plan's information.


When can I go to kindergarten in Bulloch County?

In accordance with state guidelines, a child is eligible to attend Kindergarten in Bulloch County for the 2021-2022 school year if he or she will be five-years-old by September 1, 2021, and the legal, custodial parents or guardians are residents of Bulloch County.

When is the 2021-2022 Virtual School year?

Parents of students enrolling in the Virtual Program will be required to commit to their choice for the full academic year, which for 2021-2022, is Monday, August 2 through Wednesday, May 25.

What grades are in virtual learning?

The Virtual Learning Program will be for students in grades Kindergarten through Twelfth-grade. The Pre-Kindergarten program is administered by the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning. Bulloch County Schools does not intend to provide a virtual option for Pre-Kindergarten for the 2021-2022 school year.

What do families receive at orientation?

Families will receive important orientation information, meet teachers, and check out needed technology devices. School Supplies. Elementary and middle schools will post their schools’ supply lists on their websites and social media.

Do you have to register for feeder pattern schools?

If a child is advancing from elementary to middle school or middle to high school within their current school zone's feeder pattern schools, registration is not required. The child's records will automatically be forwarded to their new feeder-pattern school.
