buncombe street cdc parent portal

by Chyna Gislason DDS 8 min read

Who is on the Buncombe Street CDC Board?

The Buncombe Street CDC Board of Directors is comprised of Buncombe Street church members, designated Church Staff members, and the CDC Director. The Board meets monthly to review the policies of the CDC. Parents may contact the Board with comments or concerns - the CDC director will provide the chairperson’s name and email address and a listing of Board members upon request.

What is CDC curriculum?

The CDC uses development ally appropriate curriculum. Teachers plan activities and lessons that add to the total development of the child. Experiences are carefully planned to enhance the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of the child. The teacher’s lesson plans are based on themes for exploration and investigation by the children in their classroom. Daily Schedules are reviewed by the Assistant Director and are posted on the classroom PARENT INFORMATION BOARD outside of your child’s classroom. We also email a newsletter to you about the classroom theme and activities that are coming up. There is a list of Developmental Goals for your child’s age group posted in the room.

What is the number to report a child who has been subjected to physical abuse or neglect?

HOT LINE: 1-800-722-2737

How long does it take for CDC to pick up a child?

If your child becomes ill during the day, and is unable to participate in the normal program, the CDC will contact you to pick up your child. Once contact has been made a parent or guardian is expected to arrive at the center within 30 minutes. The center does not provide on-site sick childcare.

Is the CDC closed for inclement weather?

The CDC closes for inclement weather following the Greenville County School District in determining whether we open late or close early, or open at all. Closings are announced on Channel 4 WYFF. Should an emergency occur during the day causing the center to close, we will text the parents to pick up children immediately. This policy supports teachers and families who travel from many different areas and counties.

Is Buncombe Street United Methodist Church a scholarship?

The SISK Foundation of Buncombe Street United Methodist Church makes it possible for scholarships to be made available to families of the CDC who meet tuition assistance criteria. Guidelines for eligibility are established and are adhered to, and this includes a requirement for quarterly updates of financial need. Inquiries concerning the application process should be directed to the CDC Director or the CDC Bookkeeper. Scholarship funding is partial and involves a co-payment. The family’s portion of the payment is due in accordance with the regular payment schedule. Late fees and consequences for accounts in arrears will be assessed if tuition is not paid on time. All families, including scholarship recipients, are responsible for late pick-up fees, late payment fees, activity/registration fees, key card fees and return check charges.

Is play dangerous for kids?

Please do not dress your child in dressy clothing and do not instruct your child not to get dirty. Flip-flops, jellies, cleats , cowboy boots, crocs and open-toed sandals can be dangerous and are not allowed.
