The Burbank Unified School District (BUSD) recently launched an initiative to encourage our stakeholders to explore, a free online course that explains the California education system—a system which is complex and changing fast. The School Facilities Oversight Committee (SFOC) has released their 7th Annual Report.
First, open the BUSD Parent Portal website by clicking here. Once the login screen appears, click on the Create New Account link. The Parent option should have a black dot in the circle. If not, click on the circle next to Parent to insert the black dot. Type in your email address in the Email Address and Verify Email Address boxes.
The Parent option should have a black dot in the circle. If not, click on the circle next to Parent to insert the black dot. Type in your email address in the Email Address and Verify Email Address boxes. Type in a password that you will use each time you log in to the Parent Portal.
The parent is presented with a list of all contact records for that student. This only applies if the account was created as a Parent account, and there is at least one contact record for the student.
Keeping our families informed is a high priority at MPS. An effective way to receive real-time updates and alerts from the district and your child’s school is through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
Keeping our families informed is a high priority at MPS. An effective way to receive real-time updates and alerts from the district and your child’s school is through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
The Burbank School is registering parent/teacher conferences online. Conferences begin on Wednesday, March 17th. Registration for all conferences opens on Monday, February 22nd and closes on Friday, M...
Essential to our school’s success are our Core Values: Love of Learning, Respect, Well being.
Dear Burbank Families,Correction: this Wednesday, May 26th, is an early release day.All students will be dismissed at 11:40 AM.Please make appropriate arrangements to have your child (ren) picked up at...
The Parent option should have a black dot in the circle. If not, click on the circle next to Parent to insert the black dot. Type in your email address in the Email Address and Verify Email Address boxes. Type in a password that you will use each time you log in to the Parent Portal.
This means that parents only need one username and password to access all their students. You will need the three pieces of required information before you can add another student to your existing account. To add a new student to an account, first, log in to Parent Portal.