burbankusd.org parent portal

by Mariano Boyle DDS 6 min read

What's new at Burbank unified school district?

The Burbank Unified School District (BUSD) recently launched an initiative to encourage our stakeholders to explore www.Ed100.org, a free online course that explains the California education system—a system which is complex and changing fast. The School Facilities Oversight Committee (SFOC) has released their 7th Annual Report.

How do I contact Burbank family service agency?

Please email: Burbank Family Service Agency (FSA) and your Student Care Center are here to support you during these unique times. We have therapists available with whom you may speak on the phone or via Zoom.

How do I access the BUSD Parent Portal?

To access your BUSD Parent Portal account, go to the PARENT PORTAL . If you do not have access to a computer, please contact your school site. Assistance will be provided while observing social distancing guidelines and masks are required. Please only have one family member at these appointments if possible.

What kind of computer programs are available at Burbank adult school?

Computer Applications: Word, Excel, PowerPoint - Microsoft Office for Business - and Classes For Beginners Learning about available programs. All ESL classes are FREE! Search... Please click on the first video below to watch a 4 minute video tour of Burbank Adult School. Also please click on the second video to view our welcome message.



To send an email to one of us, please click on the appropriate name above.


By Email - Please visit our staff page and click on the appropriate staff member.
