busd at home parent/student portal

by Dr. Elmore Corkery 7 min read

How do I contact the parent portal?

If there are any issues , concerns regarding accessing the Parent Portal or have misplaced your login information, please send an email to parentportal@bufsd.org. For questions regarding specific information about a student's grades or academic progress, please contact the student’s school directly.

How does the aeries parent and student portal work?

The Aeries Parent and Student Portals allow individual parent accounts to be associated with multiple students. The account can even be associated with students from different schools within the same District. This means that parents only need one username and password to access all their students.

What is eSchoolData Parent Portal?

Parent Portal Parent Portal The eSchoolData Parent Portal is a web- based program that allows parents to access information about their child’s academic progress. It allows parents to obtain information such as attendance, schedules, progress reports and report cards.

What is the purpose of the parent portal?

It allows parents to obtain information such as attendance, schedules, progress reports and report cards. It also provides a means for parents to communicate directly with their child’s teachers. Login credentials are automatically created and mailed to parents after child is registered.



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Student Portal

Do not include @bufsd.org at the end of the username when logging into the Student Portal.


To login, enter the student’s Office 365 login/district email address (not their student ID number).

What is BUSD in Burbank?

The Burbank Unified School District (BUSD) now provides all middle and high school students with the opportunity to have easier access to the Library’s materials and collections. The program is called BConnectEd.

What is the purpose of the Governing Board of the School District?

The Governing Board desires to provide a safe school environment that allows all students equal access and opportunities. The District’s academic and other educational support programs, services and activities shall be free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying of an individual based on the person’s actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, immigration status, ethnic group identification, ethnicity, age, religion, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic information, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Specifically, state law prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender in enrollment, counseling, and the availability of physical education, athletic activities, and sports. Transgender students shall be permitted to participate in gender-segregated school programs and activities (e.g., athletic teams, sports competitions, and field trips) and to use facilities consistent with their gender identity. The District assures that lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation in District programs. Complaints of unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying are investigated through the Uniform Complaint Process. Such complaints must be filed no later than six months after knowledge of the alleged discrimination was first obtained. For a complaint form or additional information, contact the Assistant Superintendent of Education Services.

How many times can a student be truant?

student is considered truant after three absences or three tardiness of more than 30 minutes each time and the absences or tardiness are unexcused. After a student has been reported as a truant three or more times in a school year, the student is considered a habitual truant. A student who is absent from school without a valid excuse for 10% or more of the schooldays in one school year, from the date of enrollment to the current date, is considered a chronic truant. Unexcused absences are all absences that do not fall within EC 48205.

How long does it take for a student to return to school after being absent?

When students who have been absent return to school, they shall present a satisfactory explanation verifying the reason for the absence within three (3) days of return to school. Absences shall be verified by the student’s parent/guardian, other person having control of the minor, or if the student is age 18 or older.

Can you leave school during lunch in Burbank?

The governing board of the Burbank Unified School District, pursuant to Education Code 44808.5, has decided to permit the students enrolled at the high schools to leave the school grounds during the lunch period.

Who must inform the school nurse of the medication being taken?

With the consent of the parent or legal guardian, the school nurse may communicate with the physician and may counsel with the school personnel regarding the possible effects of the medication on the pupil.

Can a child attend school in a care-giving adult's home?

If your child lives in the home of a care-giving adult, as defined by law, your child may attend the school district in which that residence is located. Execution of an affidavit under penalty of perjury pursuant to the Family Code by the care-giving adult is required to determine that your child lives in the caregiver’s home.
