bute house parent portal

by Grayce Lueilwitz 10 min read

What is Bute House like?

Welcome to Bute House, a dynamic, exciting, rounded and rigorous environment in which girls flourish and thrive and, most importantly, have a great deal of fun. We wrap this up in a pastoral blanket of care and support; these children are being educated to work in a world which, in some ways, we cannot imagine yet.

Is parentportal available 24/7?

Parent access to ParentPortal is available 24/7 (24 hrs/day, 7 days/week). At some times throughout the school year, ParentPortal may be unavailable for short periods of time due to routine maintenance and periods of high volume usage.

Why doesn't parentportal allow cookies on my website?

ParentPortal uses "cookies" and this means your internet security is set too high, probably to the highest level of security, which blocks cookies. Depending on your browser, you will need to find the Internet Security area and turn it down a level or two so cookies are accepted.


Does the class have to meet yet?

There is a chance that the class may not have met yet or simply a matter of timing between your access and the teacher's update. The other option is that the teacher has opened the grade book and entered an assignment, but has yet to record any scores for that assignment.

Does Parent Portal use cookies?

ParentPortal uses "cookies" and this means your internet security is set too high, probably to the highest level of security, which blocks cookies. Depending on your browser, you will need to find the Internet Security area and turn it down a level or two so cookies are accepted.
