bvm ashti parent portal

by Twila Stehr 9 min read

Acquiring life skills with Academics

Our student-centered systems are aimed at building competencies and habits of the mind. We blend life skills with academics to help students accomplish their ambitions and lead a better life.

Freedom to think, Empower to Evolve

Education is the process of living and is not meant to be the preparation of future life. Nurturing students to develop an informed curiosity and a passion for learning.

Creating Progressive Thinkers

Every student is unique. We celebrate and motivate each one of our students to follow his/her passions so that he can leave his/her perfect mark on the world.

Acquiring life skills with Academics

Our student-centered systems are aimed at building competencies and habits of the mind. We blend life skills with academics to help students accomplish their ambitions and lead a better life.

Freedom to think, Empower to Evolve

Education is the process of living and is not meant to be the preparation of future life. Nurturing students to develop an informed curiosity and a passion for learning.

Creating Progressive Thinkers

Every student is unique. We celebrate and motivate each one of our students to follow his/her passions so that he can leave his/her perfect mark on the world.

Acquiring life skills with Academics

Our student-centered systems are aimed at building competencies and habits of the mind. We blend life skills with academics to help students accomplish their ambitions and lead a better life.

For a Better Tomorrow

BVM believes that a school's purpose is to guide the child in the discovery of themselves and their world and to identify and nurture their talents. Just as every seed contains the future tree, each child is born with infinite potential.

Inculcating Learner Attributes

We, at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, help our students engage in collaborative learning opportunities. It instils in them a sense of responsibility for their learning and enables them to become critical thinkers.

Make a Smart Choice

Choosing the right school is one of the most important decisions that you, as a parent, can take in your child’s life. From the first step into a school to graduating with confidence and competence of an intellectually stimulating career – BVM can make all the difference.

Latest Events

August gathering to unveil idol of Goddess Saraswati or God of Knowledge.
