bvsd ic parent portal

by Mr. Esteban Bailey 3 min read

How do I get my BVSD activation key?

BVSD automatically sends the activation key to a family's primary email after a student is registered in the district. The subject line will be “Message from BVSD - your access to Infinite Campus Parent Portal.” Please Note: You cannot create an Infinite Campus without an Activation Key number.

Does BVSD offer early access to 2021-22 school year?

For example, January 2021 for the 2021-2022 school year. Does BVSD offer early access to Kindergarten? Yes. Early access for Kindergarten may be an option for students who will not turn 5 years of age on or before October 1st of the year of enrollment. More information can be found on the Early Access site.

How do I submit a BVSD change of address form?

You may submit a BVSD Change of Address form directly to the Registrar at your child's school (just one school if your children attend several) along with a current proof of residence (see the "what you will need" section above for a detailed list of acceptable proof).

Why work at BVSD?

BVSD is committed to hiring diverse candidates who bring high quality skills and knowledge. We are looking for individuals who have a growth mindset and are seeking opportunities to collaborate with colleagues and the community to create an exceptional learning experience for kids. We hope you will join our team. Learn More


When is open enrollment for 2021?

During our open enrollment period, which runs from November 1, 2021 to January 5, 2021 at 4:00p.m., families may apply to a school of their choice for the 2022-23 school year.

What is the All Together for All Students Strategic Plan?

Students learn at their own pace and may require various levels of support. Honing in on each individual student's needs is a key component of the All Together for All Students Strategic Plan, specifically our first strategic theme: Challenging, engaging and relevant instruction, which aims to provide all students with a tiered system of academic supports. To accomplish this goal, schools throughout the district have taken the lead in creating new programs and strategies to address those students that may be struggling.

Is bullying a problem in Boulder Valley?

There is no doubt that bullying is and has been a worldwide problem for generations. That is why Boulder Valley School District is stepping up to do everything they can to stop bullying once and for all.

When do foreign exchange applications need to be submitted to BVSD?

Foreign exchange organizations wishing to solicit host families must submit applications for approval to BVSD no later than February 20th of the prior academic year. Graduation. The non-immigrant foreign exchange program student will not graduate from a Boulder Valley Schools District high school and will not participate in graduation ceremonies. ...

How many schools are there in Boulder Valley School District?

Boulder Valley School District serves approximately 30,000 students in 56 schools and covers areas including Boulder, Gold Hill, Jamestown, Lafayette, Louisville, Nederland, Superior, and parts of Broomfield and Erie. Ready to be part of BVSD?

Why is Boulder Valley School District closing?

At this time, the Boulder Valley School District has decided to close enrollment to non-immigrating foreign students for the 2021-2022 school year due to safety concerns about coronavirus. This includes both F-1 and J-1 student visas. Foreign exchange agencies have been notified.

When are enrollment counts for 2020?

Enrollment Counts are run frequently in the beginning of the school year and monthly for the rest of the school year. Enrollment Counts are counts based on student enrollment for that day in time. August 11 2020. August 14 2020. August 18 2020.

When is the enrollment for the school year in Colorado?

The Student October Pupil Enrollment contains student enrollment information as of the pupil enrollment count date which is October 2, 2019 for the 19-20 school year. This information is used to determine the school demographics, number of students in instructional programs, free and reduced lunch counts, and distribution of school finances to school districts across the State of Colorado.
