bvsd parent portal

by Mrs. Lelia Maggio 10 min read

Did you know BVSD is a certified school district?

Did you know? BVSD is the first REAL Certified school district in the country, a recipient of 39 USDA HUSSC awards, the only school district to be named to the Good Food 100 Restaurants List and the first entity of any kind to receive the highest, 5-star rating from the Center for Good Food Purchasing. Learn more on the School Food Project website.

How do I apply for the Boulder Valley School District Tuition program?

If you have one or more children who are enrolled in Boulder Valley School District, please complete a Current Family Application. If you are applying for the tuition program, you must also register for billing and pay the $50 nonrefundable application fee.

What's new to BVSD?

New to BVSD? Back Together BVSD Reintroduction Plan Academics Apps Beyond the School Day Career and College Connections Enrollment Get Involved Health, Wellness and Prevention Help for Students Key Family Supports Online Payments Meals Free & Reduced Price Meals Rights and Responsibilities - Student Conduct and Discipline Code

What are the best online BVSD schools in Colorado?

BVSD Online(opens in new window/tab) Centaurus Fairview Halcyon Justice Monarch Nederland Middle-Senior New Vista Peak to Peak Charter Nontraditional School Arapahoe Ridge Boulder Prep Charter Boulder TEC Boulder Universal BVSD Online(opens in new window/tab) Chinook West Justice New Vista Charter School Boulder Prep Charter Horizon K-8 Justice


Did you know?

BVSD is the first REAL Certified school district in the country, a recipient of 39 USDA HUSSC awards, the only school district to be named to the Good Food 100 Restaurants List and the first entity of any kind to receive the highest, 5-star rating from the Center for Good Food Purchasing.

Who do I go to if an issue arises?

As per Board Policy KE, start with your student's teacher. If your concerns are not addressed, then reach out to:

How do I get involved?

In the Boulder Valley School District we know that our families play a key role in our students success. That is why we encourage parents and guardians to stay informed and involved in their child's education.

How do I stay informed?

The Boulder Valley School District uses a variety of avenues to keep the community up to date on what's happening across the district.

COVID-19 Resources

Boulder County Board of Health recently rescinded its public health orders, which had required face coverings in indoor locations, including schools. Masks are no longer required in BVSD schools and facilities.

Marshall Fire Resources

The Marshall Fire was the most destructive wildfire in Colorado history, destroying 1,000 homes and displacing hundreds of BVSD families. We know that recovery will take years and we are committed to supporting our families and staff for as long as it takes.

Latest News

Last night the Boulder County Board of Health unanimously voted to rescind both Public Health Orders, 2021-07 and 2021-08, including the indoor mask requirement for public spaces, K-12 schools and childcare settings, effective Friday, Feb. 18 at 5 p.m. Click here for their media release .

All Together for All Students Strategic Plan

The Boulder Valley School District has developed a new Strategic Plan. This ambitious, exciting and comprehensive effort will guide BVSD for the next five years and aims at bringing everyone together to meet the needs of all students.

Upcoming Events

During this pandemic that struck Boulder Valley in March 2020, BVSD stood out for its leadership and tireless work to support students.

When do foreign exchange applications need to be submitted to BVSD?

Foreign exchange organizations wishing to solicit host families must submit applications for approval to BVSD no later than February 20th of the prior academic year. Graduation. The non-immigrant foreign exchange program student will not graduate from a Boulder Valley Schools District high school and will not participate in graduation ceremonies. ...

How many schools are there in Boulder Valley School District?

Boulder Valley School District serves approximately 30,000 students in 56 schools and covers areas including Boulder, Gold Hill, Jamestown, Lafayette, Louisville, Nederland, Superior, and parts of Broomfield and Erie. Ready to be part of BVSD?

Why is Boulder Valley School District closing?

At this time, the Boulder Valley School District has decided to close enrollment to non-immigrating foreign students for the 2021-2022 school year due to safety concerns about coronavirus. This includes both F-1 and J-1 student visas. Foreign exchange agencies have been notified.

When are enrollment counts for 2020?

Enrollment Counts are run frequently in the beginning of the school year and monthly for the rest of the school year. Enrollment Counts are counts based on student enrollment for that day in time. August 11 2020. August 14 2020. August 18 2020.

Path to success

We offer expertise and guidance to families who need financial assistance, have children with special needs, or have other questions or concerns. We want to help you find the right path to your child’s success, starting with a solid foundation of learning and play in the exciting preschool years.

What happens after I apply?

After you apply, you will be contacted by a Preschool Community Liaison. They will schedule a meeting with you and your child to complete additional paperwork, get to know you, and screen your child. You will also be able to visit the school to get an idea of what BVSD’s integrated classrooms are like.
