bxtreme parent portal

by Maci Smitham DDS 5 min read

What is the parent portal?

Parent Portal is a complete on-line system which allows the parent access to their student’s information including, but not limited to, student schedules, grades, discipline, and attendance. Yearly student information updates are done in the Parent Portal.

How do I update student information in the parent portal?

Yearly student information updates are done in the Parent Portal. Please update contact information and phone numbers for students. If you need to make an address change, you must take your address proofs to the school and they will approve the address.

What is the Bayonne school district Parent Portal?

The Bayonne School District is pleased to provide the Parent Portal communication tool. The Portal connects parents/guardians to students’ data online, anytime, from anywhere there is Internet access. Once the Portal is accessed by a secure username and password, information about only your child’s progress can be viewed.

What is eSchoolData Parent Portal?

Parent Portal Parent Portal The eSchoolData Parent Portal is a web- based program that allows parents to access information about their child’s academic progress. It allows parents to obtain information such as attendance, schedules, progress reports and report cards.


What is the purpose of the Parent Portal?

The goal of the Parent Portal is to promote educational excellence and to enhance communications with parents. The Parent Portal allows parents to view their child’s school records anywhere, any time.

Can you use the Parent Portal for illegal activities?

Users must not use the Parent Portal for any illegal activity, including violation of data privacy laws. Users will use copyrighted materials in accordance with the “fair use” doctrine (Title 17 USC § 107) and will not copy, distribute, or transmit a third party’s information in violation of copyright laws.

Is Parent Portal complete?

Parent Portal is not the complete or official record. Information on the portal may not be complete or correct at all times and is constantly being updated. For official student records contact your child’s teacher and/or school. Users are expected to:

Parent Portal for Technology Issues

Click here to submit a technology support request or call 251-297-2048.

Parent Portal Information

The parent sign in is: https://baldwinco.powerschool.com/ You will need to contact the school to get information on how to access your student’s information. The schools have a pre-built letter with the necessary information the parent needs.
